CAMPAIGN VISIBILITY More or less 2,000 motorcycles with campaign logo around the Hinunangan Municipality Billboard (English & Cebuano versions) erected in the Canipaan shore gateway to San Pablo & San Pedro Islands
TA STAGE OF BEHAVIOR & EVIDENCE OF BC No more intrusion inside the SPMS Fishermen from neighboring barangay are more aware of the SPMS Lesser observe fishermen getting nearer the SPMA especially when the marker buoys were restored
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS IN BR 1.Improvement of the SPMS guardhouse (Congressman funds coming up) 2.Caucus on formulation of the amendment of the SPMS Ordinance
STEPS TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY Regular Monthly Meetings SPMS Management Plan Implementation SPMS Management Committee SPMS Monitoring Team Regular financial assistance from the province for the in the amount of PhP10,000 per year Municipal LGU through MASO c/o Alternate CF support
TAKE-AWAY Finalized post KAP questionnaire Review of SM – BR monitoring plan Finalize of Collaterals Solution of my Survey Pro technical problem
PRIDE CAMPAIGN “BARRIER” but happy to be with the other MLGUs As of March 27, 2012: 184,342 individuals collected, burned & buried data taken from 15 municipalities out of 19 from So. Leyte Orientations on crown-of-thorns and guidelines on how to collect the COTs to 19 MLGUs, attended 19 collections and oriented 30 barangays from Maasin, Macrohon, Padre Burgos and Limasawa 3 barangays with ±20,000 individuals in a 500 sqm. area