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Presentation transcript:

HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION Dr. Sebastian Schmidt ASPERA German National Day, Hamburg, 2007, June 22

Who are we? Waht are we doing? Hier Verweis auf Mission: Like it is anchored in our mission: Cutting edge research to solve grand challenges Think big, act big …. Complex and large infrastructures Wealth creation Who are we?

GERMAN RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS Budget/ billion Staff Centres/ Institutes Helmholtz Association Use-inspired basic research by strategic programmes € 2.3 25,700 15 Max Planck Society Science-led basic research € 1.4 12,000 80 Fraunhofer Society Industry-oriented research and development € 1.1 12,500 58 Leibniz Association Long-term research topics € 1.1 13,000 84

HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION FINANCES Total budget: 2.3 billion euros Institutional funding: approx. 1.6 billion euros, 90% from federal government 10% from federal states Third-party funding: approx. 0.7 billion euros, 15% funding from industry

FACTS AND FIGURES 15 research centres with 250 institutes 25,700 staff List Helgoland Greifswald Bremerhaven Hamburg Geesthacht 15 research centres with 250 institutes 25,700 staff 8,000 scientists/engineers 3,400 doctoral students Budget: 2.3 billion euros Berlin Braunschweig Potsdam Zeuthen Wolfenbüttel-Remlingen Magdeburg Teltow Niemegk Göttingen Halle Bad Lauchstädt Jülich Leipzig Köln Bonn Darmstadt Heidelberg Lampoldshausen Karlsruhe Stuttgart Neuherberg Garching München Oberpfaffenhofen Helmholtz Centre Branch of a Helmholtz Centre Helmholtz Head Office

15 RESEARCH CENTRES Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron German Cancer Research Centre German Aerospace Centre Research Centre Jülich Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Hahn-Meitner Institute Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (formerly GBF) Institut für Plasmaphysik (associated) Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine Markierung! Zentren in denen in Astroteilchenphysik geforscht wird The Helmholtz Association was founded in 1995 as an umbrella organisation of 15 national research centres all established after 1950.

Board of Funding Organisations STRUCTURE Senate Senate Commission Board of Funding Organisations President Administrative Vice-Presidents Energy Earth & Environment Health Structure of Matter Transport & Space Key Technologies Assembly of Members Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Research Centre Jülich Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht (GKSS) GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health (GSF) Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Hahn-Meitner Institute (HMI) Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP, associated member) Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine (MDC) UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle (UFZ)

TOTAL COSTS OF RESEARCH FIELDS 327 365 371 150 485 357 210 includes non-programme-bound research

PROGRAMME-ORIENTED FUNDING Core element of Helmholtz Reform Strategic programmes in line with research policy guidelines Six research fields with 30 programmes Funding of centres through programmes International evaluation every five years by top level experts Successful programmes stand out through their scientific excellence and strategic relevance

STRUCTURE OF MATTER 485 million euros from institutional and third-party fundings

ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS KASKADE Grande and LOPES KATRIN AUGER south, start 2008 AUGER north, in planning EDELWEISS AMANDA/IceCube NT200+ CTA 2 Virtual Institutes 2 Young Investigator Groups The list of projects, which run under financial contribution of the Helmholtz-Association Hier ist Gelegenheit noch kurz auf den Impuls und Vernetzungsfond einzugehen! Extra fundings for strategically important projects Despite APP such a small programm – very successful in fundraising VI – 720 T€ for 3 years YIG – 625 T€ for 5 years Alliance – 25Me for 5 years (APP participates in the next round with an application)