An Eye on Reality
Farm Security Administration: Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. (Circa February 1936)
Farm Security Administration: Children of Oklahoma drought refugees near Bakersfield, California. (Circa June 1935)
Farm Security Administration: "Suppertime" for the westward migration. (Circa 1936)
Children of rehabilitati on clinic in Arkansas. (Circa 1935)
Wife and children of a sharecropper in Washington County, Arkansas. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administrati on: Family of coal miner in West Virginia. (Circa 1935)
Young Oklahoma mother; age 18, penniless, stranded in Imperial Valley, California. (Circa March 1937)
18-year old mother from Oklahoma now a California migrant. (Circa March 1937)
Farm Security Administrat ion: School in Alabama. (Circa 1935)
REA; "Woman plunges and scrubs"
Farm foreclosure sale. (Circa 1933)
Farm Security Administration: farmers whose topsoil blew away joined the sod caravans of "Okies" on Route 66 to California. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration: Families on the road with all their possessions packed into their trucks, migrating and looking for work. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration-Resettlement Administration: Vernon Evans family leaving South Dakota drought area for west. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration: migrants. (Circa 1935)
Migrant family looking for work in the pea fields of California. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration: Migrant worker on California highway. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration: Christmas dinner in the home of Earl Pauley near Smithland, Iowa. (Circa 1935)
Farm Security Administration: Homeless family, tenant farmers in 1936.
Resettlement Administrati on; Rural Rehabilitatio n; "Walking 30 miles to visit family in Santa Fe"; Chomita, New Mexico (Circa May 1935)
REA; "Man washing hands in bowl, woman in background"
Resettlement Administration; Rural Rehabilitation; ERA; "Mr. Perry Rupert, 76 years old"; Iredell Co., N.C.
Farm Security Administration: Arkansas squatter for three years in California near Bakersfield, California. Photo by D. Lange. (Circa 1935)
Depression:Unemployed: Typical picture capturing the number of people who were unemployed and looking for a job. (Circa 1935)
Depression: Unemployed: The Unemployed Union: marchers south on Broadway: Camden New Jersey typical scene reflecting large population of unemployed in desperate need of work and looking for jobs. (Circa 1935)
Depression: "Runs on Banks": people milling about outside of bank. (Circa 1933)
Depression: Breadlines: long line of people waiting to be fed: New York City: in the absence of substantial government relief programs during 1932, free food was distributed with private funds in some urban centers to large numbers of the unemployed.
WPA: unemployed shown at Volunteers of America Soup Kitchen: Washington, D.C. (Circa 1936)
Depression: Breadlines: long line of people waiting to be fed: New York City: in the absence of substantial government relief programs during 1932, free food was distributed with private funds in some urban centers to large numbers of the unemployed. (Circa February 1932)
Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees clearing the land for soil conservation. (Circa 1934)