Implementation of the amended EGTC regulation in Poland.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation of the amended EGTC regulation in Poland

ACT of 7 November 2008 on a European grouping of territorial cooperation Ministry of Infrastructure and Development responsible for the preparation and for amendments. Legal provisions in Poland

Main challenges concerning the implementation of the EGTC regulation in : Lack of experience in establishing formal legal bodies having a cross-border character in the framework of the EU cohesion policy. Broad list of possible tasks carried out by EGTCs. Complex legal provisions on EGTCs. Legal provisions in Poland

Amendment of Polish national provisions. 24th of February 2015: assumptions of the amended EGTC act adopted by the Government. Ministry of Infrastructure and Development together with the Governmental Legal Office responsible for the preparation of amended act on. End of legislative process: second half of Legal provisions in Poland

Main elements of the amended Polish national provisions. More detailed description of the approval procedures. Introduction of new categories of possible members of EGTC (incl. authorities at national level). More detailed provisions concerning the register of EGTCs having its office in Poland. Legal provisions in Poland

Main elements of the amended Polish national provisions. Introduction of provisions applicable in case of amendment of EGTC conventions. More detailed procedures for execution of art. 13 and 14 of the EGTC regulation. Repeal of the additional requirements for the EGTCs statutes (additional rules in case of liquidation). Legal provisions in Poland

6 months for adoption of the necessary amendments to the national provisions are not enough. Lesson learnt

Territorial Cooperation Department Ministry of Infrastructure and Development ul. Wspólna 2/ Warszawa