Angela Bonaccorso The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/ under Grant Agreement n ENSAR. The EC is not liable for any use that can be made on the information contained herein. Orsay Town Meeting, October 2014 Deliverable: Updating the Physics and Instrumentation case
Except from annex 1 of ENSAR (FP7) April 2014
Dieter Ackermann (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany) Bertram Blank (CEN, Bordeaux, France) A B (INFN, Pisa, Italy) Lidia Ferreira (IST, Lisbon) Hans Fynbo (Uni. Aarhus, Denmark) Ari Jokinen ( Uni. Jyvaskyla, Finland) Marek Lewitowicz (Ganil, Caen, France) Adam Maj (Inst. Nucl. Phys., Kraków, Poland) Paddy Regan (Uni. Surrey, Great Britain) previously Giacomo de Angelis (LNS-INFN), Robert Page (Liverpool), Berta Rubio (Valencia), Michael Thoennessen (MSU). User Executive Committee
ACTIVITIES A town meeting every second year and a topical meeting per year Experimental/Technical updateExperimental/Technical update Theoretical state-of-the-artTheoretical state-of-the-art keep the physics case updated First Workshop at GGI Florence, Jan First Workshop at GGI Florence, Jan st Topical Meeting, LNS-Catania, December nd Topical Meeting, Valencia, February rd Topical Meeting & Town Meeting, Lisbon, Oct th Topical Meeting, Krakow, 1-3 July th Topical Meeting, York, July 2014
Catania Lisbon Valencia The formation and structure of r-process nuclei Physics of the proton rich side of the nuclear chart Krakow Physics light exotic nuclei Going to the limits of mass, temperature, spin and isospin with heavy Radioactive Ion Beams participants talks 2.5 days York Instrumentation
GGI Florence 2008
Report written by A.B. Generalities on the r-process Mass Measurements and Calculations. -decay Light nuclei astrophysics Coulomb excitations, dipole strength, pigmy resonance Structure around N=82 MISSING: Neutron capture cross sections i.e. 59 Fe(n, ) 60 Fe and 60 Fe(n, ) 61 Fe 107 Pd See T. Rodriguez talk at this meeting
Report written by B. Rubio, A.B. See B. Rubio talk at this meeting Ground state properties: mass measurements, T_1/2, gamma widths…and fundamental symmetries. Laser spectroscopy is a very promising methodology which is particularly interesting for the synergies with other fields of Physics. Direct measurement for nuclear astrophysics (example for stellar nucleosyntesis): origin of 26Al need 25Al(p, )26Si or 26mAl(p, )27Si … dedicated target station…low energy Theoretically: study of resonances in p-scattering optical potential One-, two- and three-proton radioactivities Exotic excitations in proton rich nuclei and clusterisation
Report written by Bjorn Jonson Lidia Ferreira and AB B. Jonson’s questions See A. Obertelli talk at this meeting
Report written by Dieter Ackermann Ari Jokinen Adam Maj Bartlomiej Szpak AB Progress in mean-field and energy density functionals description of heavy nuclei Research on Heavy and Superheavy Elements with Radioactive Ion Beams Angular momentum dependence of the fission barrier height Exotic nuclear shapes and rotational structure at high spin, isospin and temperature High-spin isomeric states Mass measurements and laser spectroscopy of the heavy elements Beta-delayed fission See A. Andreyev and G. Verde talks at this meeting
Report written by Andrei Andreyev Riccardo Raabe AB Upgrade on existing facilities HIE-ISOLDE, ALTO, SPES, SPIRAL 2, NUSTAR and Storage Rings (GSI and RIKEN) Polarised proton targets Active Targets ACTAR TPC and GASPARD and Scintillators (NEDA) Electron scattering : ELISe project at FAIR SCRIT at RIKEN Laser methods See R. Raabe talk at this meeting
Importance of elastic scattering: Obertelli, Borge, Figuera, Cardella, Gomes, Arellano, Descouvemont, Crespo, de Diego Cardella Predicted Predicted by a microscopic OP calculation AB, F.Carstoiu, NPA706 (2002 ) Borge Importance of transfer reactions Courtesy of A. Obertelli
Physics at and beyond the dripline: continuum spectroscopy, exotic decays Particle-particle correlations Randisi, et al, PRC 2014 H.Simon et al, G. Blanchon et al.NPA 2007 Kondo et al, 2010 A typical example 13 Be Neutron occupancy of the 0d5/2orbital and the N=16 shell closure in 24O. K.Tshooa et al PLB accepted
RJ Charity et al., HiRA collaboration, private communication. Coincidences, spectroscopic factors, momentum distributions Courtesy G. Verde S. Orrigo et al PRL 112, Courtesy B.Rubio The above nuclei are important in the pp-chain of explosive nucleosyntesis and their structure can be calculated ab-initio
Technical developments for fundamental observables LASER SPECTROSCOPY: very precise measurements of nuclear radii TRAPS: mass measurements ACTIVE TARGETS Courtesy A. Andreyev Mean field and giant resonace phenomena : See Vretenar, Lacroix, Grasso at ECOS
Thanks! … Special thanks to our French, British, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Sicilian colleagues for hosting the meetings ENSAR, GANIL Ketel Turzo SERVIZIO FONDI ESTERNI Rosella Battistella INFN LNL WEB MASTER Domenico Lazzarato INFN LNL INFN Administration in PISA EURISOL-NET LEADER Yorick Blumenfeld, IPN Orsay, France ENSAR LEADER Muhsin Harakeh, KVI, Groningen, The Netherlands Personal recollection: Bjorn Jonson, Graziano Fortuna, Peter Butler, Robert Page
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