K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 1 Dec Presentation by: Prof. Kazimierz Subieta Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, PolandPolish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology OMG Technical Meeting, Washington DC, USA, Dec. 4-8, 2006 Who we are, our research, what we can offer for OMG
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 2 Dec. 2006
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 3 Dec The mission of the PJIIT Train specialists who will be able to work creatively in different areas of computer science which are especially important for the development of the country. Conduct scientific research into the developments and design of new information technologies. Establish and strengthen international ties for the technological cooperation with special emphasis put on the benefits of combining the Japanese team work culture and highly advanced technology with the Polish tradition in science and individualism.
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 4 Dec Fields of research Databases Programming Languages Internet Technologies Software Engineering Computer Networks Artificial Intelligence Multimedia Parallel Computing Computer Simulation Robotics
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 5 Dec Research Funding Internal resources of PJIIT (students’ fee) Financial support and grants from Polish Government Donations from Japanese institutions Grants from European Commission for research projects –eGov Bus (ca. 290K€ from EC + 170K€ from PL) –VIDE (ca. 480K€ from EC + 250K€ from PL) –LUNA (ca. 100K€ from EC)
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 6 Dec Database Group - People The object-oriented technology research group joins researchers and PhD students from several Polish universities and research institutions: –PJIIT – 16 persons (+MSc students) –Łódź Technical University – 6 persons (+MSc students) –Institute of Computer Science PAS – 2 persons –Warsaw University – 1 person (+MSc students) –Rodan Systems Ltd – 2 persons –Toruń University – 1 person (+MSc students) –… Common research seminar and common projects
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 7 Dec European Research Partners Centre de Recherche en Informatique Appliquée – Universite Paris Dauphine (France) EMIC - European Microsoft Innovations Center GmbH (Germany) Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (Sweden) Axway Software (France) A-SIT - Zentrum für Sichere Informationstechnologie (Austria) Rodan Systems S.A. (Poland) ALTEC (Greece) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Germany) Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (Germany) Fraunhofer Institut Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (Germany) Software Systems Modelling Group - Bournemouth University (United Kingdom) SOFTEAM (France) TNM Software GmbH (Germany) SAP AG (Germany)
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 8 Dec Research Domains Object-oriented and XML-oriented databases Distributed systems (grid and P2P technologies, distributed DB) Integration of heterogeneous data and service resources (virtual repositories, wrappers) OMG Model Driven Architecture Graphical user interfaces to databases Workflow management systems Internet Technologies (enhanced Web Services) Software engineering (change management, configuration management, estimation of software costs, software quality) Business Web portals e-Learning, e-Government
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 9 Dec Pending OO Database Projects ODRA (Object Database for Rapid Application development): –Object-oriented database management system based on Stack- Based Approach (SBA) and Stack-Based Query Language (SBQL) –Client/server –Imperative constructs, modules, procedures, classes, types, methods, static inheritance –Updateable OO database views –Strong typing and query optimization –Importers/exporters from/to external sources –Advanced IDE –… LoXiM: a client-server prototype OODBMS based on SBA/SBQL, developed at the Warsaw University (C++)
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 10 Dec European Projects European Project eGov Bus –A dynamically adaptable information system supporting life events experienced by the citizen or business serviced by European government organizations. –Integration of distributed, heterogeneous, redundant and fragmented resources for eGov applications. –8 European partners, Jan Dec 2007, total budget 4 M € European Project VIDE –The UML-compliant action language VIDE to be researched, developed, evaluated and disseminated during the project will enable fully visual prototyping, programming, debugging and documenting of future applications. –Implementation of OMG MDA, visual programming. –10 European partners, July 2006 – Dec 2008, total budget 4 M €
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 11 Dec SBQL in the eGov Bus project SBQL as embedded QL for application programming in Java. SBQL as a self-contained DBPL for application programming. SBQL updateable views will play the following roles: –As mediators that virtually convert a local data and service resource to the shape that is required by the canonical model. –As integrators that virtually fuse fragmented collections residing on different servers, resolve heterogeneities, remove redundancies, join fragmented remote services into the form of a procedure (c.f. life events) and (if necessary) equip some remote objects into new classes and methods. –As customizers that adapt the data that are seen through the canonical model to the need of particular end user applications and/or to particular users.
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 12 Dec SBQL in the VIDE project SBQL queries will occur explicitly as VIDE language constructs on the MDA PIM level –depicted visually in the visual version of the language code. SBQL queries will address directly UML-like class diagrams. SBQL queries will be components of visual programming graphical metaphors. The VIDE language will have both visual and textual syntax with no losses in the automated conversion between the two. The programmer will have the freedom of choice to edit either the visual or the textual code.
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 13 Dec Current R&D topics (1) Object-oriented database store models, with (nested) collections, classes, methods, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic object roles, encapsulation, etc.; semi-structured models Object-oriented database core functionalities Basic features of query/programming capabilities of SBQL for different store models Architectural issues of OO DBMS, 3-level C/S architecture, query processing architecture, architecture of distributed OODBMS, architecture of object-oriented virtual repositories and P2P networks Classes, interfaces, types, schemas and metamodels Procedural capabilities of SBQL - updating and control statements, procedures, functions, methods; parameter passing
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 14 Dec Current R&D topics (2) Virtual updateable views in SBQL – supporting full transparency of virtual objects for retrieval and for updates Strong and semi-strong type checking of SBQL queries, programs, procedures, methods, modules, views, etc. Recursive queries in SBQL – recursive procedures, functions, methods and views; transitive closures, fixed-point equations Query optimization for SBQL – rewriting, query modification, indices, query caching, pipelining, etc. Distributed OO DBMS - query processing and optimization in distributed systems, metamodels, transactions, virtual repositories, wrappers, mediators, P2P networks, etc. Administrative module for OO DBMS – users and access rights, security, performance tuning, statistics, reporting Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for SBQL
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 15 Dec Current R&D topics (3) XML/RDF import and export, querying XML/RDF through SBQL Object-oriented wrapper to relational databases - transparent mapping of SBQL into SQL Embedding SBQL into Java, embedding Java into SBQL, generic integrator of Java libraries with SBQL, JDBC 4 SBQL Object-oriented wrapper to Web Services, Web Services on top of OODBMS Declarative workflows Aspect-oriented decomposition Transaction manager for OO DBMS Graphical querying and browsing for OO DBMS Graphical programming language for MDA, embedding SBQL into MDA Behavior
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 16 Dec Our strengths: what we can offer for OMG (1) (self-assessment) Understanding object-oriented database store models Functionality and semantics of object-oriented database query/programming languages Strong and semi-strong type checking of object-oriented database query/programming languages Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art:
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 17 Dec Our strengths: what we can offer for OMG (2) (self-assessment) Understanding types, classes, interfaces, database schemas and metamodels for OO DBMS Understanding architectural issues of OO DBMS Object-oriented virtual updateable database views Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art:
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 18 Dec Our strengths: what we can offer for OMG (3) (self-assessment) Understanding query optimization issues for object-oriented database query/programming languages Understanding issues of integration and querying distributed and heterogeneous OO DBMS Understanding interoperability issues related to OO DBMS – Java bindings, wrappers to XML, RDF and relational DB, etc. The above list of our research and competencies is not complete. Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art: Our strength: State-of-the-art:
K.Subieta. PJIIT 2 OMG, slide 19 Dec Conclusion Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology has invested into research and development aiming at OO databases We have a database research group joining more than 25 researchers and PhD students from various Polish institutions We actively and successfully apply for various research funds, including European Commission projects We have developed strong and technically efficient stack-based methodology (SBA) for OO databases and corresponding query/programming languages (SBQL) Any conceptual idea, invention or theory is verified and confirmed by prototype implementations We are ready to support OMG with our expertise.