Conducting and publishing research in different parts of the world Włodzisław Duch Department of Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland Google: W. Duch ICONIP’08 Panel Discussion
QuestionsQuestions This panel aims to discuss how to conduct, publish, and promote research work in various parts of the world. The discussion topics may include: Why should we publish regionally? What are some of the unique advantages and disadvantages in publishing in a local region vs. other parts of the world? What are the best ways for me to publish my work? How do I promote to my peers locally and globally?
RegionalRegional Why should we publish regionally? In science we should have common language. Bad motivation: not all people speak English. This is true in Poland in education, medicine, humanities, marketing, art. To reach these communities we have to use local language. Ex: book on psychometrics & machine learning, some articles for neuromarketing, neuroesthetics. To reach undergraduates, in many countries using textbooks that are frequently written in local languages. Ex: two books on information sciences, a new field in Poland
Regional answer Why should we publish regionally? To create a community in a new branch of science local publications may be needed. Ex. Polish Cognitive Science Society, a new field, to build this community we started the Cognitive Science and Media in Education journal in Polish. Allows people in education to learn more about CS and its applications, including older teachers who do not speak English. Next generation should not have this problem. Smaller countries in EU teach in English more than we do.
AdvantagesAdvantages Unique advantages? I have mixed feelings here... Good to have common language, good to have your own language. Proverb: How many languages you know, that many times you are a human being. Bad trying to have more than one common language... this will lead to a greater division of the world.