© SMWI, 2005 The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June 2005 Wojtek SADOWICZ TROUBLESHOOTING THE PSI PROBLEMS IN POLAND ̶ how not to deal with the PSI
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June The Polish perspective The legal confusion within the Polish PSI policy Public information vs. Public Sector Information Act on accessibility to the public information (2001) The executive decree no regulation on the PSI
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June Ministry of Interior and Administration Maintains the Public Information Bulletin root Maintains and manages the PA affairs Provides the legislation regarding the public services and public administration issues Ministry of Scientific Research and IT Provides the Polish computerisation policy Manages the Information Society development in Poland Provides the legislation for the use of state of ICT in public sector bodies Polish confusion with PSI
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June The adoption of the Directive on the Re-use of PSI inaccessible correlation table (sic!) lack of personal responsibility for the adoption process lack of political engagement in the implementation Poland will not meet the deadline (July 1st 2005) bad experience with the „communication directives” The Polish perspective
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June The Polish perspective Polish culture for re-use the PSI public information re-use by the journalists legal information Lex publishing house law gateways and portals GIS GPS services travel and regional information web-based businesses The sophisticated models of business are not implemented
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June No search engines within the Public Information Bulletin no licensing information No databases for the users unsolved problem of metadata and documents description High costs and long terms even photocopy is too expensive in PA bodies The transparency problem still not solved lack of clear procedures and rejection conditions The main obstacles in access and re-use
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June The innovative forms of business need to be fostered Business as well as citizens are looking for clearer and more transparent procedures within the public administration Poland has to exercise the opportunity to decrease unemployment and launch new enterprises Terms and conditions of sharing the PSI must be designed, published and respected Need for comprehensive information society policy undoubting covering the scope of access and re-use the PSI Why does Poland need the PSI Directive
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June What does Poland do in this respect Act of computerisation (Spring 2005) Ministry of Interior and Administration Maintains the Public Information Bulletin root Maintains and manages the PA affairs Provides the legislation regarding the public services and public administration issues Ministry of Scientific Research and IT Provides the Polish computerisation policy Manages the Information Society development in Poland Provides the legislation on the use of ICT in public sector bodies Ministry of Scientific Research and IT will Maintain the Public Information Bulletin root Enrich the PIB with the necessary search and management tools Design the complete Information Society development policy covering the PSI management in line with the interoperability standards included within the Act on computerisation Ministry of Interior and Administration should Provide the pricing, licensing and administrative term and conditions when dealing with the PSI Train the PA in serving the PSI to the business Prepare the countrywide information campaign for re-use the PSI
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June What does Poland do in this respect Local and regional administration initiatives Wrota Malopolski Malopolska region is Polish leader in implementation of the state of art eGovernment solutions By fall this year Malopolska will publish the XML searchable output connected with the PSI databases This will allow the users to search for appropiate information and obtain the metadata regarding the information Next phase of implementation will cover the accessibility tools This project is being prepared so it is easily replicable and may be (similar to Wrota Malopolski) implemented within any local or regional public body
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June What does Poland do in this respect The Cities on Internet appeal to the Ministry of Interior As the result of ePSINet workshop in Warsaw ( ) Gathering the group of people and institutions interested in the PSI policy development Appealing to the Minister of Interior for The comprehensive information regarding the state of implementation the PSI Directive Intensive work on the implementation Not losing the opportunity to exercise the PSI business tools Offering any assistance required in preparing Poland to manage the Public Sector Information in the European manner This is how we find the role of ePSINet project in Poland
The Re-use of PSI policy, Legal Framework and Good Practice in EU and Romania, Bucharest, 8th June Thank you for your attention Wojtek Sadowicz