TWESA Water and sanitation study Kimbangulile community
Objectives of the study Is to quantify and assess water supplies, sanitation, hygiene practices and awareness levels and attitudes of Kimbangulile/Mchikichini Community in Temeke Municipality, in Dar es Salaam. The study was conducted in February 2006.
Social economic Environment …. Total populationof 19,879 of which 10,075 are women and 9,804 are men. Income generating activities are petty business 48%, public employment 10%, private employment 18% and unemployment 25%. The area is unplanned but electrified.
Analysis of the data Previously, there were 4 boreholes with house connection and controlled by meter under DAWASA. Water availability was not proportional with the increasing in population. Water demand was higher than the supply as results illegal connections were born and spread very quickly over the area. People with house connection turn to water vendor.
Analysis of the data….. 90% of the water supply is from one shallow well, Water from water vendors is cost 100 to 150 per 20ltrs bucket. Its not reliable since the owners decide on the time of opening and closure of the taps. Accessing water takes more than an hour. Poor people are using water from unprotected sources. Per capita per day is 10-15ltr
Analysis of the data….. Most of the shallow wells are allocated at lower area while latrines are few meters on upper surface. Shallow wells are in a form of small ponds, which are open to contamination except only one that was covered with hand pump. Some people are using water from the rive, with believes that water is fee with bacteria in the morning and can be consumed without boiling.
Analysis of the data….. At least 96% of the residents have latrines while 4% have no latrines. Most of the latrines are not well completed. 84% of the pits have been lined by cement blocks, 2% by drums and 14% are just pit without any lining. 44% of the pits were without roof. The materials used for super structure ranges from grass (22%), iron sheet (28%) and block cement (50%). Most people have managed to train their children on the use of toilet, as it was found that only 6% of children defecate on the ground and the faeces are disposed off in the toilet.
Analysis of the data….. 36% of householders have no plan to spend money for the toilet improvement due to un affordability and ignorance. Solid waste management are deposited in the valley that down wards river is crossing.
Thank you for your attention!!!!!!