– rd partner meeting; Bonn EU Project VisuaLearning Overview on local network
– rd partner meeting; Bonn University of the Third Age in Radom The university was founded in The idea of the Radom University of the Third Age is to include elder people into lifelong learning by the promotion of social activity on the basis of interests development. The main assumption is, therefore, widely understood intellectual, mental and physical stimulation of seniors, as well as leading educational and cultural activity. The students of University of the Third Age in Radom for a minimal fee may use the modules of classes arranged in forms of lectures on different areas of knowledge, such as computers, literacy, art, foreign languages (English, German, Italian) as well as gymnastics and dance. At the moment 217 people take part in the activities of Radom University of the Third Age.
– rd partner meeting; Bonn Teacher Training Centre in Radom Teacher Training Centre was founded in Students receive excellent education thanks to well-qualified staff supported by native speakers, modern equipment and the newest teaching materials and methods. Centre has 2 sections (English and German) At present there are 12 groups (4 at each year) in English Section. Since its creation in 1990, the College has trained 409 students, most of whom are now active teachers. All subjects are taught in English so candidates to FLTTC should be competent at at least an intermediate level of English. Students who study at the Foreign Language Teacher Training College, in Radom obtain a Bachelor degree after compliting three years of studies. Graduates may then continue their studies to obtain a 'Master' degree at universities like Warsaw University
– rd partner meeting; Bonn Polish network of modular training Polish network of modular training has been established in 2002 within the frame and financial support of Leonardo da Vinci project that was carried oud by ITeE with cooperation with another institutions from Poland, Italy, Belgium and UK
– rd partner meeting; Bonn Polish network of modular training PNMT associates the institutions which act for promotion and development of modular conception of education and vocational training for Polish and European labour market. PNMT provides methodological, consulting and information help as well as offers services within designing, implementation and assessment of the quality of new modular solutions in the system of school and outside school vocational education.
– rd partner meeting; Bonn Polish network of modular training Zachodniopomorskie Warmińsko-Mazurskie Podlaskie Mazowieckie Lubelskie Podkarpackie Małopolskie Śląskie Opolskie Dolnośląskie Wielkopolskie Kujawsko- Pomorskie Łódzkie Świętokrzyskie Lubuskie Pomorskie
– rd partner meeting; Bonn Thank you for your attention