The Relevance of Pro4Plast Bernd Altendorfer / Polyconcent
2 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Content The Idea of Pro4Plast and Collective Research Project Structure What is the Value added of the Project? How will it be achieved?
3 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The Idea of Pro4Plast is... to improve the competitiveness of EU plastic injection moulding and tooling SME by… cutting their time to market by 50% and reducing their production costs by 30% by… “developing a new product development guidance system for complex injection moulded plastic parts by enhanced injection moulding simulation and material data measurement applicable by SMEs”
4 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT What is Collective Research? On behalf of IAGs and SMEs leading research institutes improve the knowledge base and level of competitiveness of European SMEs It addresses large communities of SMEs with capacity to innovate but with limited research capability An SME core group is crucial for each project Intellectual property rights belonging exclusively to the IAGs
5 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The Relevance of Pro4Plast European plastic injection and mould making industry: 1.5 mil employees, annual revenue of EUR 150 bil, average annual growth of around 5% OEMs have powerful position towards their suppliers (SMEs) These SMEs are mainly using trial and error methods – but this can be offered cheaper in China EU plastic business is losing an estimated 5% to low income non-European markets per year !! An essential EU industry is facing a severe structural threat
6 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Content The Idea of Pro4Plast and Collective Research Project Structure What is the Value added of the Project? How will it be achieved?
7 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Spain AITIIP ICM UNI-Zaragoza Netherlands Dollwin TNO Germany GKV IKV Aachen KTS-Schmölln Weißer+Grieshaber Simcon RWTH Aachen ASK Poland PPCA Slovakia ASPAN ESOX Hungary HPI Miraplast Italy ASSOC CESAP = IAG = SME = RTD Czech Republic Termoplast Austria Clusterland KC PKT Awender Polyconcent MUL Slovenia GIZ Polycom TECOS 28 Project Partners: 9 IAG, 11 SME, 8 RTD
8 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Pro4Plast Timeline official end date project kick-off end date of potential audit invitation for negotiations with EU preparation of proposal II SEP 06 JAN 06 delivery of work packages 1-6 PROJECT PHASE ongoing exploitation and start of preferred 2-year SME software use AUG 09 preparation of proposal I
9 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Pro4Plast in Numbers 1 September 2006: the official starting date 31 August 2009: the official end date EU countries are represented in the consortium 43 person years of scheduled work load to reach the project targets 4,450,097 EUR eligible project costs (EC contribution 2.8m) SME reached through training 10,000 SME reached through dissemination
10 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Content The Idea of Pro4Plast and Collective Research Project Structure What is the Value added of the Project? How will it be achieved?
11 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The Status Quo in Product Development: many Trial and Error Attempts
12 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The newly structured, 5-phase Product Development Process …less Trial and Error
13 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT % 100%33% Product Obligation Book End of Design Validation End of Develop- ment Start of Production The newly structured, 5-phase Product Development Process …reduced Insecurities
14 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT … to turn SME into the Position of strategic Development and Production Partners of OEM
15 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Product Obligati on Book End of Design Vali- dation End of Develop ment Start of Producti on The Pro4Plast Working Schedule WP 1 – Analysis & Technology Transfer Dr. Altendorfer/Polyconcent WP 2 – Product Development Guidance System Dr. Fernandez/UNIZA WP 3 – Development of Injection Moulding Simulation Software with new Functionality Dr. Filz/Simcon WP 4 – Training Dr. Nardin/Tecos WP 5 – Dissemination and Exploitation Mr. Crössmann/GKV WP 6 - Consortium Management Mr. Crössmann/GKV
16 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Content The Idea of Pro4Plast and Collective Research Project Structure What is the Value added of the Project? How will it be achieved?
17 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The new Product Development Guidance System (PDGS) – WP 1, WP2 Development of PDGS Definition of the Innovation Process and Obligation Books (WP 1) Development of the PDGS Guidance System Software (WP 2) Systematic reduction of insecurities by the stage gate process to achieve best quality plastic systems Time to market savings (-50%) Cost savings (-30%) Analysis of existing product development processes at SME Optimisation of obligation books “Ideal PD process for SME“ Definition of key parameters for Guiding System
18 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT The new Injection Moulding Simulation Software for complex Parts – (WP 1), WP 3 Development of Simulation Software Definition of the Innovation Process and Obligation Books (WP 1) Development of NEW Simulation Software for complex parts (WP 3) New SME compatible simulation software for insert and multi-component injection moulding Development of a low cost and easy to use system for viscosity measurement at SME (costs of data measurement should be halved) Analysis of real SME requirements for “simulation software complex parts”
19 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Training and Dissemination & Exploitation – WP 4, WP 5 WP 4WP 5 Dissemination strategy Exploitation strategy Development of certification process Intellectual Property management and commercialisation Disseminate to about 10,000 SME in Europe 180 SME trainings Train the trainers Case studies and development of training material during WP 2&3 Development of training methodology
20 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Summary: State of the Art - Desired Situation – Forseen Innovation
21 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Management Structure including WP 6
22 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT WP1 Altendorfer WP2 Fernandez WP3 Filz WP4 Nardin WP5 Crößmann TF 1 Schröder Kneer TF 2 Altmann Brunnthaler TF 3 Bem Daucher „time to market...reduction of loops“ „cost reductions – complex parts / improved obligation books“ „sustainable use of Pro4Plast results SME including certification of at EU-SME“ Strategic Controlling
23 Pro4Plast, contract number COLL-CT Project Website Project Coordination Mr. Crössmann (Project Coordinator) GKV Dr. Florian Altendorfer Dr. Blaz Nardin Polyconcent Tecos Scientific Officer Yves Maisonny