Participation of the Slovak Universities on the 7 FP by Prof. Daniel Kluvanec Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra Bratislava 6/12/2005
Participation in 6FP projects - irreplaceable experience for universities. SARC – Centre for development, science and technologies plays an important role in forming of programmes and giving information through publishing "Bulletin for international scientific and technological cooperation, and technologies transfer." - SARC – INFO.
A. State of the art, cornerstones The successfulness of Slovak institutions in obtaining grants through projects within 6FP was comparable with successfulness of other V4 countries, but in comparison with EU 15 countries significantly lower. The percentage of unsuccessful projects is low, i.e. most submitted projects were successful. In comparison with 5 FP, the number of submitted projects increased by 35 %, from 552 to 745 projects. 137 were approved, that is successfulness of 18 % in 6 FP in comparison with 27 % (149 projects) in 5 FP.
Fruitfulness some country EU on approve a projects 6 FP. The number of the approve projects.
Contracted EC contribution per one researcher
Participations of EU-25 in successful FP6 projects (per 1. mil. population – July 2005)
The ratio “€ contracted in FP6/ € GERD”
The number of the requests of the coordination and approve a projects
Comparison participation industry and research
The number of the approve projects on particular branch.
The number of the submitted and the number of the approved projects 7FP from Slovak Institutions
Finance that are Slovakia insert in 6FP and that can obtain.
Distribution finance receives in 6RP in the Slovakia by various branch
Lithuania Japan Luxembourg Portugal Greece Ireland Denmark Finland Cyprus Slovenia Netherlands Austria Sweden Belgium Germany UK Hungary EU-15 (2) EU-25 (1) Spain Estonia US France Poland Czech Republic Italy Malta Latvia Slovakia Share of BERD financed by government (latest available year)
Total R&D expenditure of the 25 Member States compared with the top 10 R&D spending multinationals (2002, € billion)
Characteristics of activities in preparing projects and their success within 6FP: - use of good practice from 5FP, - wider awareness and reforms leading to broader activities at universities, - initiative of NCP (National Contact Point) and SIKAS (Slovak information and counselling academic network),
- lower successfulness of Slovakia (lower financial amount obtained), - unfavourable composition of instruments: 50 % of supporting projects, 10% of coordination actions, - the most approved projects were submitted by universities (52), SAS (37), though the biggest financial amount was gained by SAS, (36.4 %), less by universities (28.7 %), - investment and profit 18 mil eur/ 10.6 mil eur.
B. How to increase successfulness of Slovak universities in 6FP projects? - higher preference of science and education in national level, - support the development of sophisticated infrastructure for science and research, - focus on the quality of programmes,
- deeper cooperation in Central European area, regional and national collaboration, e.g. with Austria, which is very successful in FPs, cooperation between universities and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, - advice from NCP and SIKAS, - focus on research projects, - attempt to increase coordination of projects.
Average country contribution (share in %) to the project budget
Average country share (%) of the EC project contribution