WWII Our Next & Last Unit…. Drastic Wars call for Drastic Measures… And you thought WWI was disturbing…
Needed Today: Hitler don’t worry no one will think less of you The Moose Stalin Georgie may use British accent but not necessary
Tell me Dunker, How did this crazy war start? Why am I in WWII? I thought I was just an actor… The beginning OF WWII
TOTALITARIANISM … Nationalistic Psychos in total control of their countries TOJO HITLER Mussolini MISSING: STALIN!
TOJO COMES LATER… FOR NOW, The 1 st three dictators…
ADOLF HITLER … Nazi Extreme Nationalism & racism Military Expansion Strong leader Wants private property w/ gov’t controls Likes: Failing out of art school Guten Tag
Italian Fascist Extreme nationalism Military Expansion Charismatic Private property w/ strong gov’t control Anti-communist Gov’t headed by dictator Likes: Snuggling BENITO MUSSOLINI “The Moose” Chao! Ladies, you can call me Moose or Big Pappa… Just as long as you call me… and snuggle!
JOSEPH STALIN Soviet Union Wants worldwide communism Revolution by workers State ownership of property Likes: Escaping from jail (6 of 8 times) Vhat is up… Yo?
Hitler & Stalin sign a pact to be friends forever… The “Non Aggression” Pact In 1938
W h a t D o T h e s e G u y s W a n t ?
“The Moose” Wants… Takes over Ethiopia to start to spread out Italy a “New Roman EMPIRE!” I’ll start small…
Stalin Wants… “…some more LAND! I’ll Help Hitler so I get TONS of it”
Hitler Wants… Living Space for Germans = “ Lebensraum ” (AND AN ARYAN EMPIRE) “Lebensraum also means land to frolic on… and boy do I love to frolic (with Aryans)! ”
How Hitler Gets on with his Bisnass… 1st: Establishes the 3rd Reich (aka: takes over Germany) 2nd: Set’s up Axis Powers Allies with Italy, Austria, SU, & Japan 3rd: Starts to take over land w/ the Blitzkrieg! Takes Over/Invades Czech (Sudetenland), Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg
1 word….. This is how THE WORLD handles Hitler taking over these countries… APPEASEMENT Whatev Hitler… Take over small countries… we don’t care!
GB decides on policy of Appeasement because… If we give him what he wants now, he won’t get mad & take over the world! I promise this is all I’ll take… Give it to me baby…. ah huh Georgie
Hitler’s like a kid in a grocery store… I WANT MORE!!! NOW!! + 13
Hitler takes over 14 countries in 9 months! Poland, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Finland, Norway, & Northern France I got you good, eh! With My… Blitzkrieg!
Insert “Countries” when you see “Sweeties”
As Hitler throws his “temper tantrum” across Europe… Appeasement has FAILED NOW…The world wants to fight back!
So Europe Takes Sides… Allies GB Fr Poland Axis Powers GER SU IT Japan VS AGAIN!
ALLIES DECLARE WAR ON GER in OCT of 1939… But Hitler’s like the Energizer Bunny… & continues on to FR Paris Captured June
Green = Under Hitler’s control What’s Next ?!? GB! SU
He Goes for GB first! “Battle of Britain” APRIL ’41 Hitler attempts Blitzkrieg on Britain 3 months GB loses 40,000 men… BUT WINS! Use radar! Hitler retreats from GB never to invade again!
GUESS WHAT HITLER’S NEXT MOVE IS? Invades S.U… they’re supposed to be friends! BATTLE OF STALINGRAD ‘42 Rus poorly equipped/trained. 1 gun, 1 bullet 9/10 under GER control RUS “switch flipped” – Ger freeze & Starve After: SU switches to Allies
So where does that leave Europe? By 1940: Europe deep into WWII Appeasement failed/ Hitler dominates U.S. Neutral 1941: Hitler’s 1 st loss: GB US enters in December 1942 Hitler’s 2 nd loss: S.U. SU switches sides
SO… Europe is in another Great War! 3 main causes of WWII ++ Appeasement The Treaty of Versailles TOTALITARIANISM
Please put away your notes Let’s see if you got anything out of today…
The “Outkast”… You might feel like doing this now that you know HOW WWII started! Let’s see if you got anything out of today…
The US is still Neutral until ‘41… Here’s how they think…