OBJECTIVES Share with other participating bank’s the following: GBC’s experiences in Organizing & Managing its microfinance operations The Approach used by the bank in expanding its MF operations The Organization & Management before and after the expansion of its MF operations
AGENDA Organization & Management Structure at the start-up phase of its MF Operations When & How GBC expanded its MF Operations Changes in the Organization & Management Lessons Learned
BEFORE GBC STARTED ITS MF OPERATIONS There was no proper accountability of loan accounts Good MIS was not in place Collection was very lax Restructuring of past due loans was rampant
BEFORE GBC STARTED ITS MF OPERATIONS Regular loans were mostly collateralized Loan amount was based on value of collateral Cash flow was not analyzed Credit & Background Investigation was very insufficient Some branches had very high past due ratio
BOD President VP - Operation Branch Manager CashierBookkeeperLoan Officer TellerLoan StaffLoan Clerk GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Audit MIS Organizational Structure Before MF Operations Started
START OF GBC’s MF OPERATIONS Signed up with MABS in February 2000 TREES product pilot-tested in Bayugan branch Initially hired 5 MF Account Officers and one full- time MF Supervisor In the pilot branch, the MFU reported directly to the Branch Manager Proper accountability of loan accounts was implemented
BOD President VP - Operation Area Manager BM Audit MISTreasuryHRD MarketingAccounting Cashier Loan Officer Bookkeeper MF Supervisor Account Officers GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Organizational Structure At Start-up Phase
GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Scaling – up of TREES Operations Product review & Revisions ( after 3 mos) Roll-out to 4 branches Scaling – up Merger w/ Alegria Bank - Green bank branches (Butuan,Nasipit, San Franz, Magallanes) (Butuan,Nasipit, San Franz, Magallanes) Product Review and Strategic Planning - 5 Branches Alegria bank - MF Department created at Head Office - Product Manager hired - Performance-based incentive scheme introduced - Fine tuning policies and procedures Geographic Expansion Jul ‘00 Jul-Sep’ oo Jan’ 01 Jan‘01 Feb’ 01 - Expansion to new areas (sub-offices)
BOD President VP - Operation Area Manager BM Audit MISTreasuryHRD MarketingAccounting Cashier Loan Officer Bookkeeper MF Supervisor Account Officers GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Organizational Structure Initial Phase of Program Expansion Product Mgr
Critical Changes in the O & M Structure At Initial Phase of Program Expansion MF Department was created at the Head Office to oversee the expansion of TREES operation bank-wide A TREES Product Manager was hired The three existing TREES Supervisors were required to report directly to the TREES Product Manager The TREES Product Manager was also made directly responsible for implementation of all TREES activities and attainment of targets The Branch Managers’ role became secondary
Why Was It Necessary to Create A Special O & M Structure for MF During the Initial Phase of Expansion? Many of the officers and staff of the bank were not familiar with the methodology and “culture” of microfinance Some members of top and middle management were not yet fully convinced that microfinance is not risky, even if it is non-collateralized
CHALLENGES MET AT EXPANSION PHASE Expansion was too fast Inadequate training of AOs Negative Attitude of Branch Managers Supervision of AOs at the branches Internal Controls MIS problems Deterioration of portfolio quality
GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Scaling – up TREES Operations Scaling – up TREES Operations Additional Staff & Training Update MIS Strategic Planning - Update MIS deficiencies. Roll out new MIS bank wide - Roll out new MIS bank wide Review Org. Structure - Consolidation of existing operation - Expand in new areas - Conflict in making decisions between the PM & BM - Develop in-house training capability Implementation of new O & M Structure Mar ‘01 Jul-Sep’ 01 Oct’ 01 Nov-Dec‘01 Dec’ 01 - Head office as support function - Branch as line function Feb 02 Hiring & training of Area Supervisors - Area Supervisors based at Head Office - Supervisors at branch office replaces by Lead AOs
PRESENT STRUCTURE OF MFU Direct supervision of TREES operation in the branches were given to the Branch Managers Functions of MF Department at the Head Office now limited to planning, monitoring, training, audit, trouble- shooting, product development, and review of TREES field operations Area Supervisors were hired to assist the Product Manager in training, on-the job coaching, audit, and trouble- shooting Role of branch-level TREES Supervisors before, now is given to Lead AOs
LEVELS OF SUPERVISION Product Manager directly reports to the President Area Supervisors report to the Product Manager Lead AOs are under the Branch Managers, but are also supervised by the Area Supervisors on matters related to the TREES implementation Implementation of TREES product at the branches is directly supervised by the Branch Managers
WHY WERE THESE CHANGES NECESSARY? Because of rapid expansion, the MF Department at Head Office had difficulty supervising field operations on day-to-day basis Branch Managers are the best persons to supervise the AOs on a day-to-day basis When Branch Managers are made responsible for the TREES targets in their own branch, they become more committed in supervising field operations Branch Managers, however, cannot devote full-time to supervising TREES operations, so that Lead AOs are necessary Area Supervisors are needed to help the Lead AOs deal with their more difficult tasks (PAR), and to ensure no short-cut in procedures
Effects of Changing the Banks’ O & M Structure Decentralization of authority More focused supervision Better implementation of policies & procedures More committed middle management Improved loan portfolio quality Cost effective Standardization of Policies and Procedures Clearer flow of communication GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program
GREEN BANK OF CARAGA, INC. TREES Loan Program Lessons Learned Some resistance within the organization can be expected when introducing a new product and culture expected when introducing a new product and culture At the start, it may be necessary to create a special unit to implement these new product and culture unit to implement these new product and culture However, there will be problems within the organization if the new product and culture are not organization if the new product and culture are not integrated in the mainstream operation integrated in the mainstream operation Changing the attitude of the organization towards the new product and culture can take time. The best the new product and culture can take time. The best way is to show them that it works. way is to show them that it works.
People are more committed and supportive to implement the new product and culture if they are given direct responsibility for the product’s success Decentralization of authority can improve efficiency in service delivery Staff should be rewarded well to sustain their motivation and productivity Proper training and close supervision of Account Officers are critical in sustaining good portfolio quality All employees of the bank should be made aware of the benefits of the the new product to get their full commitment and support Lessons Learned