God of Abraham “Adonai” or “Yahweh” Moses important prophet GOD
United States Israel Geography
TeNaKh Torah –6–613 Commandments (laws) Hebrew is sacred Language Holy Book
Fast during Yom Kippur Give to Needy & Create justice Kosher foods only Practice & Rituals
Rabbi (Torah Scholar) –S–Synagogue (Temple) –S–Saturday is Sabbath Leadership
Orthodox Conservative Reform Sects
Abraham’s descendents are “Chosen” Promised land is “Canaan” Second coming of God is yet to arrive Jerusalem is Holy City Key Beliefs
God of Abraham –“–“Allah” –M–Muhammad Born in Mecca GOD
Middle East West Asia Africa United States World’s second largest faith Geography
Qur’an Muhammad received the text from God Arabic is sacred language Holy Book
Read the Qur’an FIVE PILLARS –P–Pilgrimage to Mecca –A–Almsgiving –P–Public Declaration of Faith –P–Pray Five times daily –F–Fast at Ramadan Practice & Rituals
Salvation / Damnation Abraham’s descendents are “Chosen” Muhammad is final prophet Mecca (Makkah) is Holy City Jerusalem is location of Muhammad’s message Key Beliefs
GOD God of Abraham Jesus of Nazareth Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Western Hemisphere Europe Africa World’s largest faith Geography
Holy Book Bible –O–Old Testament Hebrew Laws / Prophets –N–New Testament Jesus & His teachings
Practice & Rituals Baptism Communion
Leadership Priests, Ministers, Monks, Nuns, Reverends Church Sunday is Sabbath
Sects Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Protestant
Key Beliefs Salvation / Damnation Hebrews as direct decedents of Abraham Jesus’ Death/Resurrection Salvation attained through Jesus Jerusalem is Holy City