Madeeha Khan ECI 524 Extension 1 January 14, 2010
Picture 1: The World-Friendship Really Makes a Difference Country: Australia Artist: Karlie Weston I believe this map is a great example of children and their innocence. Each region of the world is filled in with smiling faces and different regions of the world are connected by people holding hands with each other. This shows that the student is a creative learner who doesn’t view the world as one of those traditional globe outlines, but rather sees the world as a group of people who can work together and become friends. The student is probably a part of a culture where friendship, cooperation, and community are emphasized in everyday life.
Picture 2: Save the Earth Country: Canada Artist: Patricia Lan This map entitled, Save the Earth, and is a good example of a student who is environmentally conscious and is a concerned about the earth’s future. The map shows that the student has an awareness of the different members of the earth such as animals, vegetation, the oceans, and humans. It also shows that the student has cultural awareness which is exhibited by the different races represented by the hands holding the globe.
Picture 3: The World Map in my Cone Hat Country: Vietnam Artist: Nguyen Thi Phoung Anh The student drew a map of the world in a conical hat, which is a hat that is very representative of the Vietnamese. This map tells me that the student is proud of being Vietnamese as the kid in the picture is smiling and looks happy. The student seems to be showing that the world is always on her mind because the hat with the map is on her head and that she believes she is active member of the world.
Picture 4: Untitled Country: Iran Artist: Saba Andalib This map is one of my favorite maps. It is also an amazing example of the ability of children to use art as a way of demonstrating their world views. The map shows students from around the world working on a weaving of the map of the world. From this map, one can see that the student has been around individuals who stress the importance of collaboration of different individuals as a means of accomplishing tasks, and the idea that individuals control their own destiny. From this map, one can see that she believes that people, especially kids, can work together and weave the world a hopeful future.
Picture 5: Music Joins Us Country: Poland Artist: Katarzyna Fojcik From the map, one can see that the student views the world as a connection of musical notes that help build a song. The student’s map shows that she believes that the world can be harmonious if the various regions of the world work together. The student’s understanding of the world is developed by her appreciation of music and how it can connect people in the world.
Picture 6: United Europe Country: Russia Artist: Marcia Grieva This student’s map of the world is of Europe. The map shows that Europe is united by making the lady’s skirt a map of Europe. On the outside edges of the map, the student draws the various buildings that can be found in Europe and a dove is flying in the air to represent peace. The lady has a thread and needle in her hand and is shown to be working on her skirt. Perhaps, the student believes that Europe is united because all of the countries come from one maker (the lady who is sewing the skirt of the map of a united Europe). This map shows that the student comes from a world view in which she believes that Europeans have a common thread and therefore should be unified.
Picture 7: It’s a Hard World! Country: Sweden Artist: Elizabeth Böhmer This student chose to draw the map of the world on a rock. The rock is painted black with stars to represent space and the earth is drawn on top of this rock so as to represent that earth is in space. The map gives an idea that the student is interested in science since the world is projected from space and that he recognizes that the earth is made up of materials like rocks. This is an interesting map that shows that the student believes that the earth is just one tiny part of the entire universe. The student entitled the work as, “It’s a hard world” as a play on the fact that the world was drawn on a hard surface as the rock.
Picture 8: A World Free of Hunger Country: United Kingdom Artist: Holly Harrison In this map, the student fills the outlines of each area of the world with tiny pictures of forks and knives to represent that everyone has food and that the world is hunger free. This map is similar to map in slide 2 because both recognize that basic human acts such as friendship and feeding someone can have a powerful impact on the world. This map shows that the student is aware of global problems such as hunger and believes that it can be solved.
Picture 9: The Children and Flowers will Make a Better World Country: Bulgaria Artist: Leny Vladimirova Mircheva This student drew a colorful depiction of the world by having vibrant colors, flowers, and children. The student has an awareness of what is in the different parts of the world because the student has drawn things like the whale near Antarctica and a ship in the Pacific Ocean. The student believes that the world can be a better place by focusing on the good things of life such as flowers, balloons, the sun, and the moon and by paying attention to the future of the world by listening to children.
Picture 10: The World is for Everyone! Country: United States Artist: Marissa Canciellieri This map of the world contains images depicting people from different races representing each area of the world. The map shows that the student recognizes that the world is full of different people and that everyone has the right to live in the world.