Michael Bowdery Interim Head of NISCHR Capacity Building and Opportunities for Capacity Building in CTUs in Wales UKCRC CTU Directors Meeting: 13 November 2012
Content Purpose: To introduce you to some of the ways in which NISCHR supports capacity building in Welsh Clinical Trials Units Content: Strategic context NISCHR Trials Units Capacity building in Welsh Trials Units
NISCHR Strategy Supporting excellence and innovation Investing in the future (capacity building) Streamlining the research process and improving the research environment Increasing collaboration within and across sectors: HEI, NHS and commercial
NISCHR Trials Units 5 UKCRC Registered Trials Units in Wales 3 are NISCHR funded for Trials Unit activity £8.6m investment over 5 years Combined portfolio worth c£105m (as at March 2012) Funded to work on an all-Wales basis and beyond Units have complementary specialisms All have a remit for core activity involving: development of new trials delivering funded trials methodological development unit management and strategic development Two NHS Research Design and Conduct Services Collaborating with 17 RRGs and Health Economists
NISCHR Trials Units South East Wales Trials Unit (SEWTU) Led by Professor Kerry Hood, Cardiff SEWTU themes: Infections, Behaviour Change, Children & Young People, Medical Devices Noted strength in working across Primary Care North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health (NWORTH) Led by Professor Bob Woods, Bangor Focus on: pragmatic trials, complex interventions, social care and SOP development Developing expertise in Ageing and Dementia, Mental Health, Muscular-Skeletal trials
NISCHR Trials Units West Wales Organisation for Rigorous Trials in Health and Social Care (WWORTH) Led by Professor Ian Russell, Swansea Focus on: Secondary Care trials Noted interest in Emergency Care, Gastroenterology, Diabetes, Mental Health, Rheumatology & trials involving and exploring the use of routine data
Other Trials Units Wales Cancer Trials Unit (WCTU) Led by Gareth Griffiths, Cardiff Core-funding from CRUK and Marie Curie Cancer focus (cancer therapies, primary care and palliative care) but non-cancer elements emerging Haematology Trials Unit Led by Dr Robert Hills, Cardiff Funding from CRUK, MRC, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Fund (and others) Lead centre for acute myeloid leukaemia trials in the UK
NISCHR Clinical Research NISCHR Infrastructure NISCHR Trials Units NISCHR Infrastructure Support Groups NISCHR Clinical Research Centre NISCHR Registered Research Groups
Impact of core funding on capacity building (1) Staff retention and development Bridging funding between projects Staff stability Funding shortfalls within projects Academic development areas outside the focused funded projects – critical for academic development and preparing for future projects Methodological development and training (workstream supported by core-funding)
North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health (NWORTH) Before During After
Impact of core funding on capacity building (2) Working with others Academic clients through grant development Research Design and Conduct Services/research courses and surgeries in the NHS Access to other infrastructure groups (e.g. WHESS and Involving People) Expansion and sustainability Cost-recovery model allows expansion, development of ‘critical mass’ and flexibility to respond to changes and initiatives Tapered-funding model supports move towards self-sustainability
Other support for capacity building Academic Health Science Collaboration: Research Methodology Support Scheme (CTUs embedded in regional hubs) Research for Patient and Public Benefit Programme NHS focused CTUs driving activity at regional level Standard competitive programmes – Research Funding Scheme, Fellowships, Studentships
Contact details For further enquiries please contact: Michael Bowdery NISCHR Welsh Government Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ Tel: 029 2082 5415 E-mail: Michael.Bowdery@wales.gsi.gov.uk
Northern Ireland Danny McAuley
Current update New Director Northern Ireland Clinical Trials Unit (NICTU) Focus on CTU role UKCRC - CTU Provisional Registration Full Registration Mention no cancer CTU 15
Previous Organisational Structure Director Snr Admin Ass Database Development & ICT Medical Physics Agency Admin Ass Gen Admin Ass Trial Manager QA Manager Snr Health Economist Snr Biostatistician Data Project Manager Trial Co-ordinator Research Monitor Health Economist Biostatistician Data Manager Jnr Biostatistician Data Processor
New Organisational Structure Director CTU Manager Admin Assistant Personal Assistant Gen Admin Ass Snr Health Economist Snr Statistician ICT Manager QA Manager Snr Research Monitor Snr Trial Manager Data Project Manager Health Economist Biostatistician Database Developer Research Monitors Trial Managers / Trial Co-ordinators Data Managers Jnr Biostatistician Clinical Trial Admin Data Processors 17
Future Developments Development of CTU Team CTU Portfolio Staff development and new staff CTU Portfolio NIHR funded Development of CTU Management Systems In house seminars - Ashley 18