MTPL Insurance in the Czech Republic Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience CZECH INSURANCE MARKET MTPL Insurance in the Czech.


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Presentation transcript:

MTPL Insurance in the Czech Republic Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience CZECH INSURANCE MARKET MTPL Insurance in the Czech Republic Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Václav Křivohlávek Petr Svoboda ProMotor II-nd Warsaw International Motor Insurance Forum 8-9 May 2008

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic The Czech Insurance Market  Legislation,  History of the Motor Car Insurance (before the Second World War and development after that up to contemporary time),  Insurance Companies,  Number of Car insured,  Statistical information on the Motor Car Insurance,  Activity aimed at prevention of losses and at the mitigation of their consequences (loss prevention).

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Legislation (valid) Act No 363/1999 Coll.The Insurance Act Act No 168/1999 Coll.The Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act No 37/2004 Coll.Act on Insurance Contract Act No 38/2004 Coll.Act on Insurance Intermediaries and on Independent Loss Adjusters Act No 377/2005 Coll.Act on financial conglomerates Act No 57/2006 Coll.Act on the Amendment of Acts in Connection with integration of Financial Market Supervision

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic History of the Motor Car Insurance  Situation before the IInd World War  Situation during the period of  Actual situation Legislation Insurance market Supervision

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Insurance Companies Creation of the Market after 1989 Former monopoly of Česká pojišťovna a.s. and further development Contemporary development 1998 – 2008 Number of Insurance Companies by Licenced Class Total number of insurers of which: Life insurerars Non-life Composite

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Premiums written in bill. CZK Gross domestic product in bill. CZK Premiums written / GDP in % 3,33,53,774,164,073,93,83,7 Share of total premium written on GDP in %

Insurance companies having their seats in the territory of the Czech Republic providing temporary services in the E.U. Total Number 15 of which in Poland 10 named: named: AIG CZECH REPUBLIC pojišťovna, a. s. Allianz pojišťovna, a.s. Česká pojišťovna, a.s. ČSOB Pojišťovna, a. s. Euler Hermes Čescob, úvěrová pojišťovna, a. s. Evropská cestovní pojišťovna, a. s. Komerční úvěrová pojišťovna EGAP, a.s. Kooperativa pojišťovna, a. s. MAXIMA pojišťovna, a.s. UNIQUA pojišťovna, a.s. Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic

Insurance companies and branches from other Member States of the E.U. providing temporary services in the Czech Republic ( ) Total Number 489 Total Number 489 of which from Poland 12 of which 9 non-life of which from Poland 12 of which 9 non-life 3 life 3 life Activity of the neighbouring countries is not so high like for example activity of the Ireland (74) and United Kingdoms (126)neighbouring

Insurance companies from Poland providing their service in the Czech Republic under the freedom to provide services ( ) Total Number 12 ( ) 1. AIG polska Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. Marszalkowska 111, Warszawa nl 2. BRE Ubezpieczenia Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A.GERLING POLSKA ul. Królewska 14, Warszawanl 3. TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEŇ S.A. Hrubieszowska 2, Warszawa nl 4. MetLife Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie S.A.ul.Chalubińskiego 8, Warszawa l 5. Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczeń S.A. Al. Jana Pawla II 24, Warszawa nl 6. Sopockie Towarzystvo Ubezpieczeń Ergo Hestia S.A.ul. Hestii 1, Sopot nl 7. Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Allianz Polska S.A.Allianz pojišťovna, a.s., Ke Štvanici 656/3, Praha 8 nl 8. Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń EULER ul. Domaniewska 50 B, Warszawa nl 9. HERMES S.A.Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń FILAR S.A.Warszawaul. Zubrów 3, Szczecin nl 10. Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie ROYAL Polska S.A. ul. Wspólna 47/49, Warszawa l 11. UNIQA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Zycie S.A. ul. Gdańska 132, Lódź l 12. UNIQA Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A. ul. Gdańska 132, Lódź nl Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic

Motor Car insurance provided by the Czech Insurance Companies Company:MTPL insuranceCASCO insurance AIG pojišťovna, a.s.yesno Allianz pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes Česká pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes ČSOB pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes DIRECT pojišťovna, a.s.yesno Dolnorakouská pojišťovnayesno Generali pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes Hasičská vzájemná pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Groupyesyes Triglav Pojišťovna, a.s.yesno Uniqa pojišťovna, a.s.yesyes Wüstenrot pojišťovnayesyes Number of car insured – according to MTPL insurance

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Statistical information on the Motor Car Insurance

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Act No 363/1999 Coll. Act on Insurance  insurance activity means the conclusion of insurance contracts according to a special legal provision2) by an insurance  undertaking, the administration of insurance and the settlement of claims under insurance contracts,  rendering assistance services and processing personal data in connection with these activities.  Insurance activity shall include the management of assets the source of which are the technical provisions of the insurance undertaking,  the conclusion of contracts by the insurance undertaking with reinsurance undertakings to reinsure the liabilities of an insurance undertaking ensuing from insurance contracts concluded by the insurance undertaking (ceded reinsurance), and  the activity aimed at prevention of losses and at the mitigation of their consequences (loss prevention)

Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic Activity of the Czech Insurance Companies towards to clients  Insurance product offered by Czech Insurance Companies,  Additional Insurance offered to the basic Motor Car Insurance,  Bonus and Malus system. New legislation

Thank you very much for your attention Questions ? Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Role of insurers in the road safety development - Czech experience Insurance Industry in the Czech Republic