Using your own knowledge (as well as the extract) consider the circumstances in which UK governments have chosen to hold referendums (10)
‘circumstances’ 1975 – Europe Wales Scotland
European referendum circumstances. Tough economic climate, high unemployment. - EEC would provide support and stability. Minority Labour government, had weak mandate for large issues such as Europe. Put trust back into Parliament by involving the people. Direct democracy in practice for first time in England. Huge ‘yes’ majority. Encouraged cross-party collaboration. Media and business strongly influenced the ‘yes’ vote. Parties split down the middle.
Scotland referendum Started with the devolution white paper Set out what the Scottish Parliament would be like – 129 MSPs Two systems of representation Set out the electoral systems in Scotland Outlined the Tax varying powers of the Scottish Parliament Education, training, agricultiure ‘Should there be a Scottish Parliament?’ ‘Should it have Tax varying powers?’ Yes/No Campaigns Yes- Scottish Labour Party SNP + Liberals and activist groups No- Conservative and ‘independent’ Support Result was very decisive: Almost all voted Yes on Scottish Powers 74.3% Slightly less votes yes to the tax varying powers 63.5% Orkney and Dumfries and Galloway didn’t support the Tax Powers
Welsh Referendum Turnout was low –Very slight majority for yes, 50.4% proposed –Only around 25% of total electorate voted ‘yes’ Would gain economically if they were an independent EU state rather than part of GB Thanks to many years of Tory gov’t the Welsh believed there was a democratic deficit (Tories are minority in Wales) Blair just came in with a wave of enthusiasm Plaid Cymru had swing in North Wales Secretary of State for Wales was mainly English under Tories
Using your own knowledge (as well as the extract) consider the circumstances in which UK governments have chosen to hold referendums (10) In the 1940’s, Clement Attlee described referendums as devices ‘alien to our traditions’. Since then, of course, Parliament has approved a number of referendums and UK parties have become accustomed to promising such popular votes in their election manifestos. Although the lack of a codified constitution means that the UK has no formal list of circumstances in which referendums are legally required, it has long been accepted that such votes can help to provide a clear mandate for change. UK voters were promised a referendum on the EC Constitution and many had expected there to be on on the Lisbon Treaty (2007) that replaced it. However, the UK government judged that the ratification of this new treaty did not require such a vote. Of the 27 EU member states only Ireland offered its citizens a referendum on the lisbon treaty, with 53.4% of voters rejecting it in June 2008./
Electoral Systems question 2010 Explain the term mandate used in the extract. (5) Using your own knowledge as well as the extract consider the circumstances in which UK governments have chosen to hold referendums (10) ‘Proportional electoral systems create as many problems as they solve.’ Discuss. (25)
Some links Cannabis in California canada http:// canada
2011 Referendum Newsnight wsnight/ stm wsnight/ stm Article on AV Referendum
Parliamentary Voting Bill entary-voting-systems-bill-remaining-stages/ entary-voting-systems-bill-remaining-stages/ revealed-for-voting-referendum htmlhttp:// revealed-for-voting-referendum html ons/newsid_ / stm ons/newsid_ / stm lucas/caroline-lucas-on-parliamentary-voting-and- constituencies-billhttp:// lucas/caroline-lucas-on-parliamentary-voting-and- constituencies-bill ch/briefings/snpc pdfhttp:// ch/briefings/snpc pdf