THE RELIEF OF WALES RELIEF “The shape of the land and its height a.s.l.” Above sea level
Is there another way to show height? THE RELIEF OF WALES This map uses colours to show the height of the land. Is there another way to show height?
Lines joining places of equal height a.s.l. SPOT HEIGHTS ‘THE HEIGHT OF ONE SPOT’ CONTOUR LINES! Join up spot heights with the same value…... Lines joining places of equal height a.s.l.
Time to draw a Relief map of Wales…... Draw the 200m contour Draw the 400m contour. Key: Under 200m 200-400m Over 400m
Time to draw a Relief map of Wales…... Use the atlas to find these mountains & label them on your map: Snowdon -1085m Cader Idris - 892m Pen-y Fan- 886m