European Network of Ombudspersons for Children A NNUAL CONFERENCE & GENERAL ASSEMBLY Strasbourg, 7, 8 & 9 th, October 2010 SUMMARY OF ANNUAL ACTIVITIES Keith Towler Children’s Commissioner for Wales
Individual Complaints -475 new cases -255 signposted or given advice -220 became full cases. Issues: -Education: school reorganisation, school transport -Social Services: lack of access, child protection and safeguarding -Health: provision of services, information sharing.
Key areas of work 09|10 Welsh Government: -UNCRC Action Plan -Proposed Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure. My office: -Safeguarding -School Toilets -Play provision.
Publications & Future Work Publications: -Full of Care -Listening and Learning… the right story [ Future work: -10 th Anniversary -Positive images of children and young people -Looked-after children and young people -Children and young people with disabilities -Gypsy Traveller children and young people -Those caught up in the youth justice system.