The Community authorities follow the attribution of jurisdiction in Article 81 of the TFEU (formerly Article 65 TA): Rome I, Rome II and Rome III Regulations Rome II Regulation Rome I Regulation Rome III Regulation Unification of rules of conflict The same legal system will apply regardless of the Court of the Member State before which the claim is filed = predictability 1/4
Rome I, Rome II and Rome III Regulations General solutions 2/4 Rome I A) Freedom of choice Solutions for types of contracts Legal system of the state where party required to effect the characteristic performance has its habitual residence Escape clause Special solutions B) Carriage Consumers Employment Insurance
Rome I, Rome II and Rome III Regulations General solutions 3/4 Rome II A) Freedom of choice (with exceptions) Law of common habitual residence Closer connections Locus danmi Special solutionsB) Product liability Unfair competition / Acts restricting free competition Environmental harm Intellectual property Collective action * Exclusion of damage to privacy, honour, etc. from the material scope of liability
Rome I, Rome II and Rome III Regulations Solutions 4/4 Rome III A) Freedom of choice In the absence of a choice, the legal systems referred to in Article 8 will be applied. Negotiation by enhanced cooperation Exclusion of annulment from the material scope