The Past, Present and Future of Inter Lending at abc Marie Lancaster Developing Document Delivery In Wales – Forum for Inter Lending, 14 th May 2009.
The Past, Present and Future of Inter Lending at abc Where it all began……. Inter Lending Past at UWIC Inter Lending Present at UWIC Inter Lending Future at UWIC Collaborate
Where it all began…………. Professional Networking. Developing Document UWIC paper – presented to Senior Librarians. Interlend 2008: Managing the Gateway: redefining interlending for the 21st Century Peebles Hydro Hotel, Peebles, Scotland (1)
Inter Lending Past at UWIC Library Central Services Unit – Acquisitions, Cataloguing, Inter Library Loans. UWIC has 4 campuses – staff on campus contribute to ILL. Library Management System, Talis Alto which has a dedicated ILL module. No charge for ILL requests. Requests have to be authorised by a school signatory.
Inter Lending Past at UWIC – Decline in Request Numbers
Inter Lending Past – Why the decline? Development of E-Services Collection. ‘Big Deals’ journals collections. Financial Year Library Division had 5% budget cut. Google generation.
Inter Lending Past School funded budgets – operate a full cost recovery – SED for all staff & third year undergraduates 2008 – Developing Document Delivery paper – fully supported by senior management that the service needed an overhaul.
Inter Lending UWIC Re-branding of the Service to ‘Document Delivery’. Newly titled ‘Document Delivery Working Group’ becoming more proactive. Promotional Materials – posters, postcards and eventually training sessions. Marie’s Document Delivery Blog – for library staff.
Document Delivery Services - Present Inter Library Loans – UK & Overseas with the development of a overseas lending policy. SED – for staff / postgraduates / researchers & final year undergraduates. Ethos participation. Digitisation Service – under the terms of the CLA Photocopying & Scanning Licence.
Inter Lending UWIC Cease authorising school signatures. SED for all. Online Requesting via Talis Prism. Increase in demand in the current financial climate. British Library Subscription or transactional model
Inter Lending UWIC Marketing Document Delivery Service * Web Pages * Podcast * Marie’s Document Delivery Blog – UWIC wide * Other initiatives - University of Pennsylvania – video (2)video
Collaborate – Definition Definition 1 Work jointly, esp. in a literary or artistic production. (3) Definition 2 Cooperate traitorously with an enemy. (4)
Collaboration & UWIC Jointly Organised & planned today! No longer a lone ranger. External influences can be positive. Sharing of good practice & documentation. To use BT’s catchphrase ‘It’s good to talk!’ Future collaboration?
References (1). Peebles Hydro Hotel (2). University of Pennsylvania Libraries – Lib clips (3) & (4). Thompson, Della (eds) (1995) The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Oxford, Clarendon Press.