Liability and Insurance Issues Theodore A. (Ted) Feitshans Extension Associate Professor Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics North Carolina State University January 14, 2014
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Where does liability come from?
Strict Liability in Tort
Intentional Torts
Quasi- Intentional Torts
Negligent Torts
Duty to a Trespasser
Duty to an Invitee
Modification of Duty by Statute
Breach of Duty
Proximate Cause
Actual Damages
Contributory Negligence
Choice of Business Entity
Independent Contractors
Managing Risk Intelligently
The Risk Management Model
Risk identification
Risk Evaluation Low-Severity, Low- Frequency High-Severity, Low- Frequency Low-Severity, High- Frequency High-Severity, High- Frequency
Risk Treatment
Selection & Implementation
Program Monitoring
What Is Insurance?
Let’s talk terminology…
Policy holder Insured Third-party beneficiary
Agent/ Broker
Insurable Interest
Insurance Needs DisabilityProducts Liability Health Life: owner & key employees Property/Casualty Liability Motor vehicle Business interruption
Motor Vehicle Issues
Managing Your Insurance
Read Your Policy!
Ask Questions!
Ask more questions!
Promptly notify your agent of claims!
Communicate with your insurance agent!
Use the resources that your insurance agent provides
Insurance Pays the Costs of Defense
N.C. Department of Insurance For assistance in finding authorized insurance services in North Carolina: –N.C. Department of Insurance To check the license status of an agent: For help with unauthorized insurance: – Consumer services –(919) Agent services 56
N.C. Department of Insurance For assistance finding insurance, regularly licensed companies and surplus lines: ness.aspxhttp:// ness.aspx “This Program is designed to assist commercial insurance buyers in their efforts to obtain difficult-to- place commercial coverage. Agents and consumers can call or (toll free in N.C.) for assistance.”