ll. Gimnazija Maribor Avtor: Kim Caf Mentor vsebine: prof. Sukič Krajnc Jasna Mentor oblike: prof. Pešec Mirko Maribor, 2011
Index: Introduction The history of Wales Wales geographically Wales language Welsh religion Welsh heritage North Wales Izdelek (video) Conclusion Sources of pictures About me
Introduction The poorest part of Britain, they say. Is it true? Why is the poorest? Do we have to blame history? Or not? Are you wondering which language people there talk? Who started it? Who was living there a long time ago? Who was first? Slika 1: Wales on the map Nazaj na kazalo
Wales at a glance Beaumaris Castle Portmeirion St David Llanberis and Snowdon Conwy Castle Cardiff Castle's Clock Tower The Brecon Beacons Slika 2 : Portmeirion Slika 3: Beaumaris castle Slika 4: Cardiff castle Nazaj na kazalo
The history of Wales Since prehistoric times From invasion to industrialization The Romans set up bases in the mountainous terrain Offa's Dyke was built as the border with England in 770 England and Wales were formally united by the Act of Union in 1535 The rugged northwest remains the heartland of Welsh language and culture. Nazaj na kazalo
Castles of Wales Romantic medieval castles First fortifications, later replaced by stone castles Slika 6 : Conway castle Slika 5: Rhuddlan castle Nazaj na kazalo
Wales geographically The smallest of the three countries of mainland Britain Approximately 8000 square miles (20800 km) Part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and a member state of the EU. Much of landmass covered by the Cambrian Mountain range Mild climate, with more rain than most of Britain The land is unsuitable for arable farming Popular walking trails Nazaj na kazalo
Welsh language A bilingual nation Expansive, musical language, spoken by only one-fifth of the 2.7 million inhabitants in parts of North Wales it still the main language of conversation Nazaj na kazalo
Welsh religion conquered by the Romans, but not by the Saxons Saint David converted the country to Christianity in the 6th century Nazaj na kazalo
Welsh heritage Song, music, poetry and legend rather than handicrafts, although one noteble exception is the carved Welsh 19th century, the opening of the South Wales an industrial boom, with mass migration from the countryside to the iron and steelworks. Today tourism is being promoted Slika 7: Conwy castle at the night Nazaj na kazalo
North Wales Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales Snowdonia National Park Getting around.. a good dual carriageway Nazaj na kazalo
Video Nazaj na kazalo
Conclusion Huge castles, which now we can only admire I didn't know a lot about Wales till I wrote this Don‘t waste time. It's waiting for us to come, to show us all the beauty.. And for the end, there is a quote, that reminds me the most about beauty of Wales nature: Nazaj na kazalo
Sources of pictures: Beaumaris Castle. [Čas zadnje spremembe 1. marec :20]. [Citirano 3. marec :04]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Cardiff Castle. [Čas zadnje spremembe 25. februar ]. [Citirano 3. marec :01]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Conwy Castle. [Citirano 3. marec :11]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: jpg Conwy castle at night. [Čas zadnje spremembe 21. februar :39]. [Citirano 3. marec :13]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Portmeirion. [Čas zadnje spremembe 2. marec :11]. [Citirano 3. marec :07]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Rhuddlan Castle. [Citirano 3. marec :08]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Wales. [Čas zadnje spremembe 1. marec :12]. [Citirano 3. marec ]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Wales on the map. [Čas zadnje spremembe 1. marec :17]. [Citirano 3. marec :59]. Dostopno na spletnem naslovu: Nazaj na kazalo
About me: Name: Kim Surname: Caf Šola: ll. gimnazija Maribor Class: 1.d In free time I dance and I train rhythmic gymnastics. Osebna spletna stran: Nazaj na kazalo