The Periodic Table Chapter 5
Alchemy & Diderot's Alchemical Chart of Affinities (1778):
Dalton's elements and symbols (1808):
The Bayley Pyramid Periodic Table
Mohammed Abubakr's circular periodic table is one alternative to the standard periodic table of the elements.
A Spiral Periodic Table by Prof. Thoedor Benfey
Spiral Periodic Table
The Dufour Periodictree
AtomFlowers A periodic table that gives a representation of the electron orbitals that look like flowers
Chinese periodic table
Chapter 5 section 1 pg 126-129
Organizing the Elements What was going on in history during this time? Why is this organization limited? 1750 = 17 elements known Mostly common metals After 1750, more chemists begin to study elements many more elements discovered faster Needed a way to organize elements 1789 Antoine Lavoisier grouped elements based on type Metals, nonmetals, gases & earths 1860 Mendeleev
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Draw an example of ordering strategy Organized elements like a deck of cards 1st order by mass 2nd property patterns esp. rxns with O & H
A 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Draw an example of ordering strategy Draw a small periodic table to illustrate rows and columns Organized elements like a deck of cards 1st order by mass 2nd property patterns esp. rxns with O & H Rows (called periods) Mass increases from left to right Columns (called groups) Mass increases from top to bottom Similar properties groups periods
groups periods
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Left blanks for elements not discovered yet Why remember Mendeleev if he wasn’t the first to come up with a P.T.? Best organization strategy Used to make accurate predictions about what elements were yet to be discovered
Mendeleev’s Periodic Table EX: Gallium Predicted similar properties to aluminum Soft metal Low melting point Density ~ 5.9 g/cm3 Truth about gallium: Melting pt 29.7˚C Density 5.91 g/cm3 Further proof his PT was good: Discovery of scandium and germanium Would gallium be a solid, liquid or gas at room temperature (20-22˚C)?
Check your understanding Pg 126 reading strategy Pg 127 figure 3 Pg 129 figure 4 (already done ) Pg 129 assessment, #1-8
REMINDER!!! Open note reading quiz WARNING
Chapter 5 section 2 pg 130-138
5.2 More on Mendeleev (note: 1860) Did not know about protons Did not know that all atoms in an element have the same # of protons His PT arranged by mass, ours by atomic #
5.2 Periods Groups Rows (side-to-side) # of periods = # of electron energy levels Groups Columns (up-and-down) Similar properties Similar electron configuration Determines chemical properties
5.2 Atomic mass Weighted avg.s AMU # given on PT is an average of the element’s isotope masses Weighted avg.s Atomic mass = avg. mass of isotopes compared to how common they are AMU Atomic Mass Unit Unit of mass for atoms (like grams but much smaller!)
5.2 Classes of Elements Solid, liquid, gas dependant on temp. Occur naturally vs. those that do not (man-made) Metals, nonmetals, metalloids
5.2 Metals Most elements are metals (+75%!) Physical properties Good conductors Solids at room temp. (except for Hg) Malleable ductile Chemical properties Some are reactive, others are not (to rust or not to rust?)
5.2 Special Metals Transition metals Chemical properties Form compounds with distinctive colors Lanthanide & actinide series
5.2 Nonmetals Physical properties Chemical properties Poor conductors Brittle Most are gasses at room temp. (low bp) Chemical properties Vary some very reactive, others not at all Most reactive = group 17 Least reactive = group 18
5.2 Metalloids Physical properties Conductivity varies with temp. Semi-conductors computer chips “Silicon Valley”
Chapter 5 section 3 pg 139-149 Part I: pg 139 & ions Part II: pg 140-145 Part III: pg 146-149
5.3 Part I Valence electrons Electrons in the outermost energy level Chemical properties depend on the number of valence electrons What does this mean after learning about the organization of the PT? Groups have similar properties so they must also have similar #s of valence electrons
5.3 Part I Octet magic # in chemistry = Valence orbitals can hold no more than 8 e- All atoms want a full valence (8 e-) or none (all or nothing) Exceptions: H & He Why?
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 1p+ +1
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 2p+ Ø
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 3p+ +1
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 4p+ +2
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 5p+ +3
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 6p+ +4 `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 6p+ -4 `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 7p+ -3 `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 8p+ -2 `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 9p+ -1 `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 10p+ Ø `
5.3 Part I Ions Atoms that gain or loose e- to fill or empty the valence orbital 11p+ +1 `
5.3 Part II Groups Group # Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Metals Boron Family Carbon Family Nitrogen Family Oxygen Family Halogens Noble Gases Group # 1 2 3-12 13 14 15 16 17 18
5.3 Part II For each group: List the elements in that group How many valence electrons do they have? What kind of ions do they form? Are they reactive? What are some of their physical and chemical properties? Where are they found? What are they used for?
5.3 Part III Elemental Friends & Foes Add to your group list
Transition Metals Groups 3-12
Transition Metals 1st elements discovered Make colorful compounds Often used to tint/color glass Metals Good conductors Malleable Ductile Solids at room temp. (exception Hg)
Transition Metals All ions are positively charged Valence electron #s vary Type of ion formed varies Example: Iron – Fe2+ and Fe3+
Transition Metals Most mined Many uses: Wires Construction Decoration