Keeping track of my learning and progress in KS3 Type your name here My e-Profile: Starting out in KS3
How to complete your e-Profile ● This e-Profile has a number of pages suggesting things you may wish to include as part of your record of learning and achievement and the skills you need to improve. ● They are only ideas as starters. You should decide for yourself what you think is important, so that it reflects you as an individual. ● Overtype and delete the pale blue or (blue italic) text and anything else that is not relevant. ● You can add pictures, sound clips and music, video clips and scanned materials, as well as personalising the background. ● Your teacher will help you with the task. ● Delete this slide when you are finished.
Before you start ●You may like to create a storyboard about what is important to you and what it is you will include in your e-Profile. ●The next slide shows what one student thought about including. ●When you have finished, delete these two slides.
Getting started – Storyboarding
Year 7 − New school, new challenges My story so far ●Things I bring with me: (This is an opportunity to provide your new teachers with information about what interests you, the skills you have and the subjects you like.) ●Things I hope to achieve: (Write something here about what you want to gain from the first year in your new school. It can be anything you want to improve, something new you want to learn or to carry on with, or something that you are already interested in.)
A list of what I am going to include in my record ●Personal learning: (You could choose to write about how you are at: –timekeeping and attendance –your attitude to work –how you like to try new things –about being organised –getting on with others.) ●Subjects: (You can write here about your favourite subjects, what you are good at and ideas about what you need to do for those that you would like to improve.)
The skills I have (The skills you can choose to write about could include: –being practical using ICT –using numbers –communicating –being creative –being physical –working in a team.) ●What I do well: ●What I need to improve:
My learning plan (Include here items that you have agreed to work on as targets for the term.) ●Personal skills: ●Subject knowledge and skills:
My memories of the past year (At the end of each year in KS3, look through your record and choose things to include in your personal statement, outlining your achievement and successes.) ●Year 7 – My personal statement: (You will need a new slide for each year. You can add photos, video and sound clips and scanned material, as well as writing about it.)
Moving on − Year 8 and 9 My story revisited (Talk with your teachers and parents/carers and decide on some things you want to achieve this year. Make a note of these targets and check them regularly to see how things are progressing.) ●Things I hope to improve: ●Things I have achieved:
Year 8 and 9 – My Individual learning plan (ILP) (Your teacher will have talked with you about your achievements in learning. Make a note here about how you are doing and how you aim to improve.) ●Expected end of KS3 results: ●Other assessments that are important: ●Areas I need to work on to improve:
My options for KS4 What and where I will learn ●Specific courses for KS4: (Include here what it will mean if some of your courses take place at college or in the work place, as well as in school.) ●Wider goals and targets for KS4:
Taking part and being involved My contribution to the school and my interests ●My responsibilities: ●Events I have been involved in: ●The clubs, teams and productions I have been involved in:
Things I do to be healthy and stay safe (You may want to include things about the exercise you take, the things you eat and the care you take in your relationships with others – both young people and adults.)
Things I enjoy and achieve (You could write about the things you enjoy doing both in and outside of school, and the satisfaction you get from taking part.)
The things I do to make a positive contribution (Write about the responsibilities you have both in and out of school and how being involved makes for a better life.)
Knowing how to look after money (You could add ideas about how you earn, save and make your money work for you.)
Where this may all lead at the end of Year 11 (You could write about the early plans you may have for further learning or work when you leave school.) ●My ideas about learning and work on leaving school include:
So, now you have made a start on your e-Profile What do you need to do next? ●This will only be of use if you keep it up to date, so do not forget to add, delete and change things as you move on. ●This is your record, but you need to work out how you can use bits of it to show to other people who are interested in your progress and what you are like as an individual. ●Use evidence from the e-Profile to complete an end of key stage personal statement of your achievements, successes and outline targets for things you want to improve.