Career and Technical Education Giving Students the Edge
CTE Introduction What are my values? Career Development Activity #10
What do you value? Preferences: Choose your personal best option. What works for you!
Relating Values to Careers Knowing your personal value preferences can help you pick a career that works for you!
How do I know my preferences? You are going to take a survey and rate the values according to your preferences. You will rate them high, medium, or low – to select you choice, simply change the font color of the “high, medium, or low” (any color will be fine) Example:A. High B. Medium C. Low
Use Creativity Able to do job in your own way Add new ideas and create new things
Earn Money While participating in your career: Your annual income: the amount of money you make in one year Rate high if making a lot of money is important to you
Help Others While participating in your career: Helping people to live better lives Doing something for others Working for the good of all
Work With People While participating in your career: Dealing with patients, clients, customers, students Doing things with others Teaming up, sharing ideas and tasks
Work Independently While participating in your career: Flexibility in your work hours Working at your own pace Doing things your way Working alone
Spending Time With Family While participating in your career: Work hours balanced with hours you can spend with family Flexible scheduling to suit family needs
Be Famous/Have Recognition While participating in your career: Receiving honor or praise for the work you do Having respect of others because of the quality of your work Opportunity to advance in your work because of your hard work, dedication, and good results.
Have Variety While participating in your career: Doing many different tasks each day Something new each day Working in different places or settings
Be In Charge/Responsibility While participating in your career: Supervision over projects, people and duties Accepting credit for good and bad outcomes Making decisions and solving problems
Enjoy Life While participating in your career: Get satisfaction, fun, joy from your career Like to go to work
Have Job Security While participating in your career: Steady or increasing need for this type of work Risk of layoffs is low Opportunity for promotions, increase in salary
Get Training or Degree While participating in your career: Have a college degree or technical training Get advanced degree or training
Rate the Values Look at the 12 values and rate them 1 to 12 on the line above the description. 1 being your most important. _____ USE CREATIVITY Type number here
Bridging Values to Careers Think about your top values and what career would relate to that For example, being a teacher would allow more family time because you have summers off. On the back of your sheet write a career that would relate to your top value. On your green sheet, circle the top three values for you
Sharing Your Ideas What careers did you relate to the values?