Organization o 1860’s scientist realized that by listing the known elements in order of increasing _____________, similar elements with similar ____________appeared at fairly regular ____________. o Dimitri _______________published a table using these properties to arrange the elements. o He also placed similar elements in the same ____________column. He left open spaces on his chart for elements he predicted would someday be found but had not been discovered at that time.
Rows and Columns o The periodic table has rows called ______________and columns called ___________. o Elements in a period are increase in the number of _________ and _____________by ________. o Elements in a group have similar ____________and the same number of ____________electrons.
Periodic Law o Mendeleev developed the idea of the Periodic _________. “When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight their properties are repeated _______________.” o Today we know that atomic ________________is a better guide to properties than atomic weights. This is because early researchers did not know about protons and neutrons and _______________.
Valence Electrons Lithium Sodium Potassiu m 1 1 1
Families o Some groups and periods that share the same properties are called ______________. o Group 1- o Group 2- o Group 17- o Group 18- o Groups o Bottom 2 periods-
Metals, Nonmetals, & Metalloids o The elements on the periodic table are divided into ________main categories separated by a ______________. o Elements to the left of the staircase are _____________. o Elements to the right of the staircase are _____________. o Elements along the staircase are called ______________.
Properties: metals & nonmetals Metal Property Nonmetal Shiny Luster Dull Good conductor of heat and electricity Conductibility Poor conductor Malleable Malleability Shatter when hit Ductile Cannot be drawn into wire High density Density Low density High Melting & Boiling Points Low Solids at room temperature except Hg State of Matter All states of matter at room temperature Give a sound when struck Sonorous Do not make a sound
Properties: Metalloids o Metalloids border the ___________and ___________ o This means that metalloids have _____________of metals and nonmetals. For example: Metalloids can conduct heat and electricity but not as well as metals. Metalloids are ________and ___________but can be shiny or dull.