Richard Oliver American Sentinel University
“ Never predict anything that hasn’t already happened!” - Marshall McLuhan
The IP Black Hole Recording Industry Network TV Movies Cellular Investment banking Retail Newspapers
The IP Black Hole Recording Industry Network TV Movies Cellular Investment banking Retail Newspapers Education
NANOTECHNOLOGY Understanding & controlling of matter at dimensions of 1 to 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications
One-billionth of a meter. Five little atoms in a row meter inch Very, very small. And very, very powerful
NANOSCALE: One-billionth of a meter … DNA is 2.5 nanometers Red blood cells 2.5 micrometers Human hair 50,0000 nanometers Paper 100,0000 nanometers
the nanoscale, the physical, chemical & biological properties of materials of individual materials differ in fundamental and valuable ways from the properties of bulk material … Gecko nanosacale hairs on feet … nanoscale tape
HumanScaleNanoScale FORCES GravityZero Gravity FrictionNo Friction MATTER Particle orSimultaneously WaveParticle & Wave GOVERNING NewtonianQuantum Mechanics & PRINCIPLES PhysicsQuantum Physics
Strategic Inflection Point:
NANOTECH MANUFACTURING Carbon Nanotechnologies making nanotubes 100 Xs strength of steel fraction of the weight …
Auto industry nanoscale materials: Step assists on vans Bumpers Paints and coatings to protect against corrosion, scratches reducing glare for glass & paint Metal-cutting tools Catalytic converters GPS Auto computers … NANOTECH MANUFACTURING
NANO-BIO ECONOMIC MIRACLES Increasing returns to inputs Increasing returns to outputs Decreasing negative externalities
MATERIALS’ PROPERTIES If you want it …. smaller or bigger faster or slower cheaper or more expensive stickeror slicker more absorbent or less more luminous or less more adhesive or less more conductive or less …
MATERIALS’ PROPERTIES If you want it …. smaller or bigger faster or slower cheaper or more expensive stickeror slicker more absorbent or less more luminous or less more adhesive or less more conductive or less … You name it. Nanotechnology will deliver!
New NanoBio Paradigm Value creation transforms from physical to intellectual Information/ knowledge content of NanoBio products eclipses their physical value
Industrial Age: Conquered space Information Age: Conquered time Bioterials Age: Conquer matter
Recommendation: Every high school should require 4 years of biology
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