11/7/2011 Standards: 1 (Structure of the Atom) Objectives: 1. Periodic Trends - post Lab - be able to understand what questions are asking. 2. Start Review of Ch 6 (which includes Ch 5) - be able to understand what will be on quiz, which includes Ch 6 Lecture Notes. DO NOW: 1. Write both complete and nobel gas electron configurations for these elements:In, P, and Ca HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 6 Assess, p (5 pts) Std 1 2. Quiz 2.2 (Ch 6.1 – 6.3 and Ch 5.3) coming Wed 11/9 Std pt responder quiz on SMART BOARD tomorrow Cover Ch 6 & Ch 5.3 ======================================================= STAMPS: 1. Help Sheet for Quiz 2.2 (Ch 6) - 1/2 of an 8.5x11" page, one side only. (5 pts) ANNOUNCEMENTS : Labs due tomorrow Responders today
Use Periodic-Trends.notebook file: for help review how to figure trends on the charty Use Periodic-Table-Taylorson.notebook file: for help review areas of the periodic chart Slide 9 then 18
11/8/2011 Standards: 1 Objectives: a. Improve student scores on Quiz 2.2 (Ch and Ch 5.3) using SMART response (clickers) Periodic Table clicker quiz for 5 pts, & Periodic-Table- Taylorson.notebook DO NOW: 1. Tell what significant contribution to the periodic table each of these men made: Lavoisier (p. 151), Newlands, Meyer, Mendeleev, Moseley (for this last 4, see p ) HOMEWORK: 1. Mr. Wigger's On-Line Practice Quiz answer all questions showing page # on which each question is explained and explain why that page# works for explanation (15 questions, evens only) – turn in tomorrow before Quiz 2.2 (10 pts) ======================================================= STAMPS: Journal 11/7 Ch 6 Assess, p (5 pts) Std 1 BASKET: Periodic Trends Lab w all data and questions answered (20 points)
Notebook 3: Weeks /3 - 11/4 Journals = 24 Whiteboards = 24
Todays Quiz on Ch 6 Get out How Electrons fill Orbitals and their Sublevels (Periodic Chart) Get out Help Sheet to use during quiz Take notes on questions if you finish a questions early
Use Ch-06-periodic-table-periodic-laws.notebook file: for 5 pts practice quiz for Quiz 2.2 Use Periodic-Table-Taylorson.notebook file: for help review areas of the periodic chart Slide 9 then 18
11/9/2011 Standards: 1 - atomic & molecular structure Objectives: a. Check for understanding using Quiz 2.2 covering Ch 5.3, b. Intro to Ch 8 using ChemThink.com Tutorial DO NOW: 1. Clear desk & floor, except for pencil, eraser, help sheet, calculator, scantron HOMEWORK: 1. SN Ch 8.1, p. 93, 94, bottom of 95 (not organize chart), and 96 (4pts) Std: 2 2. Print Ions & Acids to Memorize (1pts) Std: 1 3. ChemThink.com - Ch 8 - Ionic Bonding - Ionic Bonding Tutorial (3 pts) Questions (7 pts)========================================================= STAMPS: NONE BASKET: Mr. Wigger's On-Line Practice Quiz (EVENS ONLY) ANNOUNCEMENTS: NOTEBOOKS: Per 2 will get notebooks back tomorrow Per 3 - collect today Per 5 collect tomorrow
Put papers into 5 stacks Help Sheets scratch Then put the following in order with smallest # on top: quizzes scantron charts
11/10/2011 Standard: 2 – Chemical Bonds Objectives: a. Check for understand on SN HW. b. Students will understand how an ion forms c. Students will understand relative size of ion compared to its neutral atom DO NOW: 1. Define these four terms: chemical bond, cation, anion, ionic bond 2. Describe shielding in respect to formation of ions. HOMEWORK: 1. Ch 8.1 Assess p (5 pts) Std 2 ====================================================== STAMPS: Journal 11/8 (day before Quiz 2.2) 1.SN Ch 8.1, p. 93, 94, bottom of 95 (not organize chart), and 96 (4pts) Std: 1 2.Print Ions & Acids to Memorize - (1pt) MISC RESPONDERS
+ ions are smaller than the atoms they were formed from - ions are larger than the atoms they were formed from Relative size of ions to their atoms