Rome Introduction to Roman History
Major Influences of Rome Roadways Alphabet Dissemination of conquered cultures Political systems
Roman Attitude Divinely appointed rulers of the world As they conquered, spread other cultures Didn’t see themselves as “creative” Art a luxury left to others with time Art a luxury left to others with time Talents lay in governing, military prowess Took ideas from other cultures and made them distinctly Roman
History of Rome Founded in 8 th century BCE, ruled by “kings” for about 250 years Split into two periods Republican Rome (509 BCE – 31 BCE) Republican Rome (509 BCE – 31 BCE) Imperial Rome (31 BCE – 476 CE) Imperial Rome (31 BCE – 476 CE)
Etruscan Influence Developed North of Rome, actual origins are unknown Sophisticated technological abilities Art aimed at making immediate impact Rome started as a country town, Etruscans made it an urban center Roads, buildings, chariot races, togas Roads, buildings, chariot races, togas
Republican Rome Etruscans taught Romans too well, became absorbed into Roman culture Republic – Greek model, less democratic 2 consuls elected to one-year terms 2 consuls elected to one-year terms Senate consisted mostly of aristocrats Senate consisted mostly of aristocrats Power concentrated in upper class (patricians) Power concentrated in upper class (patricians) Lower class allowed an assembly (plebeians) Lower class allowed an assembly (plebeians)
Political Upheaval More conquering = more headaches Plebeians gain power through numbers Middle class emerges, mostly plebeians who earn money and status through war Skirmishes and civil wars at home lead to constant violence (Caesar and Pompey) Assassination of Caesar in 44 BCE is the beginning of the end for Republic