ACPM Corporate Roundtable ACPM Update Friday, February 24, 2012 │ 1:00-5:00 p.m. Michael Barry, CAE ACPM Executive Director
Today’s Objectives Provide brief updates on: ACPM initiatives CMSS-ABMS discussions re: CME, MOC, ACA Physicians Payment Sunshine Act
Overview of ACPM Initiatives – 2011 (Audax Health) Clinical Risk Management Fellowship (Merck) Webinar on prescription pain medication use and abuse (Purdue Pharma) Time Tools Lifestyle Medicine Aspirin Talks NuVal
Online destination that gives consumers tools, support and information to manage their health Partnership with ACPM to provide physician- based guidance on disease prevention, health promotion and healthy lifestyle choices Soft launch: 30,000 consumers, over 400,000 questions
ACPM Clinical Risk Management Fellowship Program Support placement of postgraduate preventive medicine physicians in two-year fellowship program in pharmacovigilance Expose PM physicians to various aspects of global product safety in major pharma company Provide direct training and experience in how pharmaceutical manufacturers use data to support research, development, adoption, and utilization of products Placed two at Merck HQ with plans for 5-7 additional placements in 2012 (interviews at PM 2012)
Pain Medication Use and Abuse Webinar (Purdue Pharma) Describe actionable steps clinicians and other healthcare providers can take to promote provider-patient dialogue around proper use, storage and disposal of prescription pain medications. Identify resources that clinicians and other healthcare providers can use and share with their patients to promote proper and safe prescription pain medication use as the foundation for improved medical care and pain medication practices.
Time Tools TM Launched Adolescent depression Adult Obesity Child and Adolescent Obesity Metabolic Syndrome Smoking and CV Risk Substance Abuse, Alcohol, and Depression Osteoporosis and Women’s Health Well child visit Health coaching Genetic Screening and Risk Abuse of Prescription Pain Medication OTC Medications Use/Abuse Medication Adherence Asthma triggers Indoor Mold
Time Tools TM Priority Topics for Development Aspirin Utilization Nutrition/Benefits of Healthy Diet Depression Screening Diabetes Physical Activity Elderly Falls Annual Adult Wellness Visit HIV Screening Adult Immunization Cancer (breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer) HPV Vaccines Antibiotic Resistance Hospital Infections
Lifestyle Medicine ACPM/ACLM “Campaign to Inspire Local Champions to Action” ▫Advocacy strategies for members/other champions ▫Slide decks Strategies for 2012 ▫Careverge ▫Blog/social media ▫Partner with ACLM/Harvard ILM to offer in-person LM training and online LM training and tools ▫Partner with ACLM/Harvard ILM to offer LM research symposium to promote evidence-based curriculum
2012: Develop a proof-of-concept clinical pilot of systems improvement tool kit
ACPM Endorsement of NuVal Nutritional Rating System Membership survey Engaging communities around retailers for sustainability Champions tool kit
CMSS-ABMS Dialogue “Arms race” to be gatekeeper for physician quality: certifying boards, licensing boards, CME accrediting bodies, GME accrediting bodies, etc. MOC major driver of across specialties ABMS boards and specialty societies partners in MOC Blurring of the lines between education and assessment – product development ABMS creating a tiered system of CME? CMSS represents specialty societies: 38 organizations, rep 700,000+ physicians. Vigorous voice for SS’s
CMSS-ABMS Dialogue December 12 leadership meeting ABMS sets standards for certifying boards, which implement those standards in non-standardized ways (“consistent, not uniform”). Certifying boards reflect 24 autonomous, independent entities. Every dyad different. ABMS: not in business of product development ABMS and CMSS, as well as CB’s and SS’s should be partners to improve quality CMSS seeking an MOU …
ACA Sunshine Act Provisions ACPM has followed the CMSS lead Focus on two aspects of proposed rule related to Accredited and Certified CME to avoid unintended consequences: 1."Direct Compensation for Serving as a Faculty or as a Speaker for a Medical Education Program,” and 2."Indirect Payments Through a Third Party.” The position of ACPM and CMSS is that compensation provided to speakers and faculty by accredited medical society CME programs should not be reportable under the law, as these individuals are independently selected and paid by the society and, as required by the CME accrediting body rules, have no relationship with any manufacturer that might be supporting the CME activity through an educational grant. Similarly, grants from applicable manufacturers to CME providers should not constitute an indirect transfer of value, either to faculty or participants of the CME activity.
Questions? Mike Barry: ACPM web site: