Dr. Barrett Lecture # 1 Introduction to Computing and Multimedia Faculty
While technology can and does bless lives, “never forget that while we have computers, cameras, microphones, fiber-optic networks, clouds, and satellites, we have failed if we do not rely on the Holy Ghost.” - President Henry B. Eyring
Today Labs, Homework and Quizzes Grading Calendar and due dates What you will need to get started Class format Policies Learning Objectives and Outcomes Groups A Problem
I Remember: 10% of what I read, 20% of what I hear, 30% of what I see, 50% of what I see and hear, + 70% of what I discuss with others, 80% of what I experience by doing, 95% of what I teach others.
Therefore, CS100 will be … Hands-on, lab assignments – learn by doing Interactive in class (some work in groups) Thinking assignments Homework, quizzes, analyzing, sharing in class
Labs: 70% of Grade Lab 1: Introduction to Computer Lab - 1 % Lab 2: Personal Website - 3% Lab 3: HTML Order Form - 4% Lab 4: Javascript Graphics - 5% Lab 5: HTML Order Form with JavaScript - 10% Lab 6: Image Editing with Photoshop or GIMP - 10% Lab 7: Editing Sound with Audition or Audacity - 8% Lab 8: Movie Editing with Premiere, iMovie etc. - 9% Lab 9: Family History I - 10% Lab 10: Family History II - 10%
Lab Pass-Offs Lab assignments can be found on the CS100 website –Completed Lab assignments with a 'Date Modified' timestamp on or before the due date receive full credit. –Any lab assignment completed after the due date will automatically lose 1 point (10% of its value) per school day. (After 2 weeks, an assignment has no grading value!). –Lab assignments are 'passed off' by a TA during regular TA hours in 1121 TMCB or 1150 TMCB.
Late Policy All assignments due on date posted – “ Date Modified ” timestamp. Any assignment submitted after that loses 10% per school day. After 2 weeks the assignment has no value.
Cheating Talk to anyone you want about how to do the assignment Work with your assigned group We will make it clear which assignments should be done with your group and which you should do the work yourself Copying or having someone else do the work is considered cheating and a violation of the University Honor Code
Pornography Zero Tolerance “Crash and Tell”
Homework: 15% of Grade 8 Homework assignments Paper and pencil and/or keyboard Assigned and reviewed in class Due on the date indicated on the Calendar To help develop algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills Will be able to drop 1 (lowest) homework score
Quizzes: 15% of Grad 7 Quizzes Multiple Choice, Closed Book, Work alone Given on Canvas – review in class Will need to be completed by midnight on the due date. Keep students current with new concepts No re-takes or make-ups on quizzes unless prior arrangements are made (or sickness and extenuating circumstances) Will be able to drop 1 (lowest) quiz
Your Grade: Lab Assignments:70% Homework:15% Quizzes:15% =100% No Exams! No Final! And that’s final! The Lab Assignments are cumulative, as are Homework Assignments and Quizzes.
Schedule: See Web Page
Grading Scale A A B B83-86 B C C73-76 C D D63-66 D EBelow 60 Do not grade on the curve. May curve down. Never curve up.
Questions about grades or grading?
What you need to get started: Laptop: For Lab Assignments and in-class demos (not required, but strongly recommended) Download WPbasic at (allows you to share your screen on the board) Jump Drive: for backing up, copying files A pair of headphones (Walkman style) An account on the Lab Machines in 1121 TMCB (See Assignment #1) Access to Canvas ( , quizzes, check grades) Lecture Notes – online or at the Bookstore
Downloading WPbasic Connect to the BYUSecure Wireless Network Go to download and install WPbasic Set WPdisplay address to: HBLL-3718-TECV2.byu.local Click on the Connect button To share your window, click on the WP icon at the top of your window
Preview Lab Assignment # 1 Go to Click on Labs Click on Lab 1
Other Software to Download: GIMP: Audacity: Windows Live Movie Maker Python click on Reference at studenst.cs.byu.edu/~cs100ta
Where to go for help InstructorOffice Hours: MWF 11-1 Bill Barrett 2218 TMCB website: barrett.cs.byu.edu TAs: Kelsey Eiman, 1150 TMCB, , Katie Prestwich, 1150 TMCB, , Slides & Notes on CS100 Web Page: Lectures Notes from Slides (BYU Bookstore) CS100 Web page: Canvas Web page: (for quizzes, , announcements)
Questions about what you need to get started?
Class Structure/Format
Class Format: Highly Interactive Prayer/thought Questions from HW, Quizzes, Life; Peek at new technologies 1.Introduce: Topic/Problem/Question 2.Explain: concepts/principles, tools needed to solve problem 3.Demo: use of the tools, software Students follow interactively on keyboard 4.Practice: Give a specific task/problem to solve - the one posed at the beginning - Some tasks groups, some solo 5.Evaluate: Walk around: help, discuss problem/solution. Share: Project examples of student work on screen 6.Re-practice: In class, Homework, Labs
Lecture Material You will be responsible for the Lecture Material on your own, outside of class, in groups. Lecture Material will appear on Quizzes We will use the first few minutes of class to hit the highlights and answer any questions you have
Laptop in-Class Policy Use while we are doing interactive demos together or while working on an in-class exercise/problem or sharing work Laptop lids are down otherwise! Please no ing or working on assignments during discussion/lecture. It is too distracting to other students.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes The Central Goal of CS100 is to foster Computational Thinking in the understanding, creation and use of algorithms to solve problems. This will be done by - Understanding Data Representation - Using a variety of Computer Applications - Writing Computer Programs
Data Structures/ Data Representation Write Programs (HTML, JavaScript Python) Applications skills Computational Thinking: Algorithms & Problem-solving
Data Structures/ Data Representation Applications skills Problems in the world Problems in BYU Classes Problems in Computing Computational Thinking: Algorithms & Problem-solving Write Programs (HTML, JavaScript Python)
Understand High-Level Concepts Computational reasoning about problems Understanding, creation and analysis of algorithms Understanding high-level programming constructs Organization and representation of data Which applications can be used to solve problems
Develop skills in Computing in using a variety of today's computer applications, including multimedia applications Understanding the foundational concepts and principles in the way data is stored and manipulated Higher-level computational thinking as they discover and develop algorithms and information technology to address a wide variety of problems
Skills to Learn We will cover –Developing algorithm & Solving problems –Internet - World Wide Web –Languages: HTML, JavaScript, Python –Client and Server-side Scripting –Spreadsheets, Branching and Functions –Sound Editing –Image Editing –Video Editing
Learning Objectives/Outcomes Specific things you should know things you should be able to do As a result of successfully completing CS100
Things You Should Know High-Level Computational Thinking How to reason quantitatively and computationally about problems Understand programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript and Python and how to use them to solve problems High-level and bottom-up problem-solving and debugging
Things You Should Know Computational Thinking with Algorithms Classic Algorithms in popular Applications Everyday Algorithms Essential ingredients of Algorithms How to create/develop Algorithms How to analyze Algorithms for correctness How to analyze Algorithms for efficiency
Things You Should Know Computational Thinking in Programming Implementation of Algorithms using Programming Languages Creating and following Programs as a logical sequence of instructions Iteration: For-Loops Conditional Branching: If-Else Functions: Creation, use of, parameters
Things You Should Know Data Representation and Data Structures: How data is represented, stored and searched in a computer. Specifically: - Numbers: Binary, Decimal, Floating Pt. - Characters - Words and Strings - Groups of named things - Arrays - Graphs and Trees -Links
Things You Should Be Able To Do Develop skills in using the following Computer Applications to solve problems: - Web Browsers to create Web Pages - Text Editors - Excel Spreadsheet - GIMP - Audacity - iMovie/Windows Live Movie Maker JES Python
Things You Should Be Able To Do Programming Languages Write Computer Programs, specifically, interactive Web Applications, to solve problems using the following languages: - HTML - JavaScript - Python
Data Structures and Data Represenations Make use of Data Structures and Data Representations to communicate and interact with Web Applications Make use of Data Structures to implement algorithms and solve specific problems Make use of specific data structures (strings, arrays, trees, records, etc.) in sound, image and movie editing, etc. Things You Should Be Able To Do
Questions about Learning Objectives/Outcomes?
Create Groups Count by 3’s
A Problem Work in your group and put the numbers in the stack in order On your mark, get set … Call out when done
A Problem How much time? What was your algorithm? Can you think of a more efficient algorithm?