CSCE 430/830 Course Project Guidelines By Dongyuan Zhan Feb. 4, 2010
Objectives The project is designed to help you reinforce your understanding of RISC ISA and pipeline architectures Learn to do HW/SW co-design, which involves the implementation of both the processor and assembler Develop the skill to finish a complex FPGA design with the DE-2 board Practice team work and make your project a splendid one 9/9/2015CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 2
The Project Tasks System design and implementation –system schematic design –component design and functional verification –pipelining design and functional verification –assembler design (c/c++, java, perl, python….) –benchmark program design (in assembly language) Project documentation maintained about –the people in your team –meeting log with substantial details –design documentation –special features of your design –the final result (e.g. correctness, performance, future work) Final project demo, presentation and report 9/9/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 3
The Project Teams 3-4 members per team It is better to have a team leader for each group (schedule meetings and coordinate collaboration) Each team needs to maintain a website for the project documentation –it might be a good idea to create a project wiki at 9/9/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 4
Overall Design Flowchart Component Design and Verification Assembler Design (.mif file) System (HW/SW) Schematic Design Pipelining Implementation and Verification Benchmark Program Design On-board Evaluation Compilation and Download Quartus II C/C++/Java/Perl/Python 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
Processor Design App-dependent ISA Pipeline stages, data path, control path Essential Components –PC, register Files, stage latches, decoder, ALU –direct-mapped caches, branch predictor, forwarding unit –clock, instruction/data memory, LED/button control Logic Design and functional verification using Quartus-II –graphically or using an HDL 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
Design Verification Quartus-II Simulation –by checking the simulation waveform Hierarchical Verification –component level –pipelining level –processor level –system level (HW/SW) 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
Benchmark Program Design Refer to MIPS assembly language Design an application for m atrix multiplication –the size of matrix for multiplication is arbitrary within the range of 3-10 on each of the two dimensions –your program should be designed to accept and carry out the multiplication of any matrices with size in the specified range (3-10 on each dimension) –the calculation is done, please show the sum of the main diagonal of the resulting matrix P using the LCD of DE-2 board Fit the program design to your RISC ISA and Pipelined Processor Designs 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
Assembler Design Choose A High-level Language –Java, C, C++, Perl, Python Design Steps –identify and resolve symbols and hazards –convert application program to machine code (according to your ISA design) –follow the Memory Initialization Format (MIF) specified for Altera devices 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
Download, Debugging and Evaluation Experiment Tools –Altera DE-1 with Cyclone-II FPGA –Quartus II Web Edition Pin Assignment –define the connects between the FPGA and external SDRAM/FLASH/LCD/Pushbuttons Design Download –use the USB Blaster cable to connect DE-1 and your computer On Board Debugging and Evaluation –report the correctness, efficiency, overhead and future work 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
DE2 FPGA Board 9/9/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 11
Extra Credits Special Features Entitling Teams to Extra Credits –Here are some of my suggestions »Upgrade your cache design to a set-associative cache »Upgrade your branch predictor to a 2-bit FSM scheme »Enhance your pipelined processor with out-of-order execution capabilities (very challenging) »Upgrade your processor to have two cores and split your matrix multiplication benchmark into two parallel parts that are calculated by each core respectively (very challenging) –You can propose any ideas to TA that you think can make your project feature special merits during the system schematic design stage. –If your proposal is approved by TA and finally implemented by your team, you will be honored with extra credits 9/9/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 12
Important Milestones Group Formation (by Feb. 4) System Schematic Design (by Feb. 23) Design & Verification of Major Components (by Oct. 27) Design & Implementation of the Assembler (by Mar. 23) Project Demo (Apr. 27 – May 1) Project Presentation (During the final week) 9/9/ CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines
References For more details, please refer to – 010.html 010.html 9/9/2015 CSCE430/830 Course Project Guidelines 14