Caribou – Wolf Interactions OmMQ5Fc
Issues with Simulations Realistic Movement –Moving toward desired areas –Keep animals from getting “stuck” Validation Boundary conditions –What happens at the edges? Disappear/die (need immigration as well) Reverse direction Wrap to the other side (not realistic) Model stability Model complexity/Performance
Moving Toward Desired Areas Use Distance Raster –Desired area: Spawning ground, feeding grounds –Destination is desired area –Pixels with lower cost are closer to desired area –Animals move to adjacent pixels with lower cost
Moving Through Networks Use polylines with network nodes Move in direction (or against) of polylines Need to make decisions at nodes
Getting “Stuck” Certain conditions arise and animals can become stuck and just move back and forth –Add additional randomness –Examine environmental layers for unrealistic values Streams not flowing perfectly down hill Bays not connected with the ocean
Validation Run models over and over again Record locations, births, deaths, feeding –Create probability surfaces Validate against existing datasets –Are observations/measurements within the predicted areas? –Could use likelihood/AIC…
Model Stability Density dependence –Most species struggle more when crowded –Reduces food availability, increases disease –Places a control the number of individuals Balancing birth rates and death rates Realistic lifecycles, predation rates
Model Complexity Typically there are lots of agents Need to keep the behaviors and attributes simple The group behaviors are typically more complex than expected from the individuals Model a population –Convert “groups” of individuals to populations when they cluster
Monte Carlo-Markov Chain Markov Chain: –A series of states of being that have probabilities associated with transitions (i.e. the state is not deterministic but has some stochastic component).
Performance Select the right resolution for rasters –High enough to be realistic –Low enough for speed –May have to just simulate a smaller area than desired.
3D and Temporal Simulations are almost always temporally based 3D is common but requires more hardware/time –Also requires special software and 3D data
Ecological Modeling Water, carbon, nutrient cycling Trophic models Population models Predator/Prey Disease
Sustainable Fisheries
Can operating rooms in Second Life teach real doctors? - Discover World of Warcraft Sims
Tools NetLogo HexSim MASON Multi-Agent Simulation Toolkit Repast Programming! –Python –Java Books: “Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems”
Envision – Policy Simulation
Simulations Parameterization –Based on mechanisms/theories –Typically include random effects –“Tweeked” to fit reality Validation –Run over observed space and time Do simulated measures match observed? –Run it over and over Observed fit into “Confidence interval”?
Simulations Startup: –Either simulate a known situation –Or, run until reaches an expected state Stability –Populations tend to breed out of control or die out over time –Build in realistic limitations
NetLogo Environment for 2D simulations Easy to program OpenSource, free Was a “kids” language Now used for education, visualization, simple simulations Can install outside “Program Files” Run NetLogo.exe See included Tutorials
NetLogo – Model Interface
NetLogo Design NetLogo is a world made up of: –Turtles: The agents that move –Patches: Agents that do not move (i.e. grass, buildings, roads) –Links: Connections between turtles –Observer: Oversees the action
Ecological Modeling Combination of cellular automata and individually based models: Grid of cells (raster) Individuals
NetLogo - Code
HexSim Visit to download Decompress the folder Can run “Hexsim.exe” from within the folder without other installation See the “Examples” on the HexSim website to get started –The User’s Guide has good information on how HexSim works
HexSim Basics Set the workspace: –HexSim -> Set Workspace –Select a “*.grid” file Double click on a scenario to “open” –Adds a tab for that scenario –“Scenario” menu items work on the currently selected tab View spatial data: –In the “Spatial Data” panel, open items –Double-click on “-> 1” to show the data
HexSim Basics Select “Scenario -> Run Simulation” Save an XML file for the run Click “Start” in the window that is displayed These examples are not yet parameterized so you may need to modify them to do something interesting
Comparison of Software of_agent-based_modeling_software
Simulation Modeling Plate tectonics: – 1dmE Wolf simulation game – yl56Q
Possible Simple Models Fire w/fire fighters Zombies and humans Reef fish Wolves and elk Invasive species (w/managers)