How Can Engineering Take Data Sciences from Ideas to Action By Adam Stallard
How Can Engineering Take Data Sciences from Ideas to Action What is Data Science The Data Scientists Scientists vs. Engineers A Real Life Example – The Idea Roles Into Action Demo
What is “Data Science”? big data business analytics mathematics probability models machine learning statistics data analytics business analytics programming data engineering visualization data warehousing insight
The Data Scientists
Skill Overlap big data business analytics mathematics programming probability models machine learning statistics data analytics business analytics programming data engineering visualization data warehousing insight
Scientists vs. Engineers
Scientists theoretical physics explore the natural world with theory and practical experiments discover and expand knowledge provide information and knowledge for the engineers use tools/application built by engineers
Engineers robotic engineering Apply (scientific) knowledge to solve problems development and/or improvement of product or processes optimise, efficiency are key (cost, tools etc) guide others on processes and procedure
Scientists vs. Engineers “In engineering you do not start a project unless you know the answer while in science you do not start a project if you know the answer.”
The Idea: A Real Life Example
Idea (aka Business Question) Does the early opinion of Morpheus match our segmentation of potential buyers?
Role of the Data Scientists gather requirements from stakeholders prepare any existing usable data models natural language processing in R/Python/etc liaise with various team members – Data Science Engineers analysis of data / presentation of outcome attend meetings
Role of the Data Science Engineers gather requirements from Data Scientists prepare any existing applications/processes or develop new ones decide and research on best solution for the task retrieve, profile, clean and integrate data automation of repetitive tasks – make life easier liaise with various stakeholder attend meetings
Data Scientist Requirements Brief / Requirements: download user posts/comments from social networks and dedicated gaming websites to analyse data in csv format or integrated to data warehouse set parameters, including but not limited to website and filter comments mobile – can be used anywhere with the correct authentication etc.
Data Science Engineers Into Action What the DSE will be developing: - create a website/comment scraper – modular and scalable - comments logged to a database - interface allows users to set parameters - application hosted on web server
Data Science Engineers Sprint Into Action
First Sprint research develop script for reddit comment scrapping log reddit comments to mysql database start application via web interface comment output
Data Science Engineers – Tools of the Trade
What Was Built - Application Demo bmxgamer. coeus. feralhosting What Was Built - Application Demo
What Was Built - Application Demo bmxgamer. coeus. feralhosting What Was Built - Application Demo
Just for Fun
Sprint Review Your thoughts? What would you improve? Tasks for the next sprint?
Thank you for Listening Any Questions?