Keith Elder Microsoft MVP INETA Speaker Blog: Demystifying Windows Communication Foundation
Originally from Ripley, Ms 1.Raised on a small farm 2.Yes I have milked a cow, slopped the chickens and fed the hogs 3.Home of the 2 nd largest flea market in the US
Modelled During the 80's
Quicken Loans $500! Cash!
About Quicken Loans Originally founded in 1985 as Rock Financial by Dan Gilbert Grew to one of the largest independent mortgage banks in the country 1998 IPO 1999 Launched Rockloans.Com 1999 Intuit, Inc (makers of TurboTax and Quicken) purchased Rock Financial. July 2002 Dan Gilbert purchased Quicken Loans back from Intuit. Retained Quicken Loans branding and marketing initiatives employees Largest online retail home loan lender
Deep Fried Bytes is an audio talk show with a Southern flavor hosted by technologists and developers Keith Elder and Chris Woodruff. The show discusses a wide range of topics including application development, operating systems and technology in general. Anything is fair game if it plugs into the wall or takes a battery.Keith Elder Chris Woodruff
Agenda How We Got Here ASMX vs WCF Throwdown WCF Contracts Service Data Message Bindings Security Reliability Declarative Summary
From Objects to Services PolymorphismEncapsulationSubclassing Message-basedSchema+Contract Binding via Policy 1980s 2000s Interface-based Dynamic Loading Runtime Metadata 1990s Object-Oriented Service-Oriented Component-Based
The Challenge Radically Simplifying Distributed Application Development Development of connected systems remains costly and frustrating Different programming models for different tasks Need for security and reliable messaging Interoperability with applications on other platforms Productive service-oriented programming model needed
Windows Communication Foundation Unified framework for rapidly building service-oriented applications
What Does WCF Replace? ASMXWSE.NET Remoting COM+ (Enterprise Services) MSMQ
Current ASMX Web Services
What’s So Different About WCF
Services and Clients ClientService Message Message
Endpoints ClientService Message EndpointEndpoint Endpoint
Address, Binding, Contract ClientService Message AddressBindingContract (Where)(How)(What) Endpoint ABCABC Endpoints ABC
WCF Architecture: Messaging Runtime TransportEncoderProtocol(s)TransportEncoderProtocol(s) Client Dispatcher Service Contract and Behaviors Binding Address
Three Types of Contracts Service Contract Defines Operations, Behaviors and Communication Shape What does your service do Data Contract Defines Schema and Versioning Strategies What obect data is used Message Contract Allows defining application- specific headers and unwrapped body content Allows control over the SOAP structure of messages
Ways to Talk One Way: Datagram-style delivery Request-Reply Immediate Reply on same logical thread Duplex Reply “later” and on backchannel (callback-style) ClientService One Way Request-Reply Duplex (Dual)
SERVICE CONTRACTS What does your service do?
Service Contract using System.ServiceModel; [ServiceContract] public interface ICalculate { [OperationContract] double Add( double a, double b); [OperationContract] double Subtract( double a, double b); }
Service Contract: OneWay [ServiceContract] public interface IOneWayCalculator { [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void StoreProblem (ComplexProblem p); }
Service Contract: Duplex Asymmetric [ServiceContract(Session=true, CallbackContract=typeof(ICalculatorResults)] public interface ICalculatorProblems { [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void SolveProblem (ComplexProblem p); } public interface ICalculatorResults { [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void Results(ComplexProblem p); }
Service Contract: Duplex Symmetric [ServiceContract(Session=true, CallbackContract=typeof(IChat)] public interface IChat { [OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)] void Talk(string text); }
DATA CONTRACTS What object data needs to flow back and forth?
Data Contract [DataContract] public class ComplexNumber { [DataMember] public double Real = 0.0D; [DataMember] public double Imaginary = 0.0D; public ComplexNumber(double r, double i) { this.Real = r; this.Imaginary = i; } }
MESSAGE CONTRACTS Defines the mapping between the type and a SOAP envelope
Message Contract [MessageContract] public class ComplexProblem { [MessageHeader] public string operation; [MessageBody] public ComplexNumber n1; [MessageBody] public ComplexNumber n2; [MessageBody] public ComplexNumber solution; // Constructors… }
Bindings & Binding Elements Transport IPCMSMQ Custom TCPHTTP Protocol Encoders.NETTX Custom SecurityReliability Binding HTTPTXSecurityReliabilityText Binary Custom
Standard Bindings BindingInteropSecuritySessionTXDuplex BasicHttpBindingBP 1.1N, TNNn/a WSHttpBindingWSM, T, XN, T, RSN, Yesn/a WSDualHttpBindingWSMRSN, YesYes WSFederationBindingFederationMN, RSN, YesNo NetTcpBinding.NETT, MT,RSN, YesYes NetNamedPipeBinding.NETTT, NN, YesYes NetPeerTcpBindingPeerTNNYes NetMsmqBinding.NETT, M, XNN, YesNo MsmqIntegrationBindingMSMQTNN, Yesn/a N = None | T = Transport | M = Message | B = Both | RS = Reliable Sessions
Bindings & Behaviors: Security Service CBA CBA Client A BC CBA Be Bindings Insert Claims in Messages Behaviors Implement Security Gates
Claims based end-to-end security Secure end-to-end message exchanges Secure access to resources Record resource access requests X509, Username/Password, Kerberos, SAML, custom credentials Message security Confidentiality and integrity Transport or message level Access to resources Authentication and authorization Feature Overview Security
Bindings & Behaviors: Transactions Service CBA CBA Client A BC CBA Be Bindings Flow Transactions Behaviors AutoEnlist and AutoComplete
Service CBA CBA Client A BC CBA Bindings provide Session and Guarantees Bindings & Behaviors: Reliable Sessions
End-to-end Reliable messaging In-order guarantees Exactly once guarantees Transport-Independent Sessions Integration with ASP.NET Sessions in IIS-Hosted compatibility mode Transactions Guaranteed atomic success or failure across services Feature Overview Reliability and Transactions
Code vs. Config
Defining Endpoints <endpoint address="Calculator" bindingSectionName="basicProfileBinding" contractType="ICalculator" />
Configuring Bindings
Custom Bindings
Application Service Model Messaging HostingEnvironments ASP.NETASP.NETWPFWPFWinFormWinForm NT Service COM+COM+ TCPChannelTCPChannel HTTPChannelHTTPChannel QueueChannelQueueChannel Secure Channel Secure Channel ReliableChannelReliableChannel Instance Behavior Throttling Behavior Type Integ. Behavior Behavior Transaction Behavior Concurrency Behavior Error Behavior Metadata Behavior BinaryEncoderBinaryEncoder Text/XMLEncoderText/XMLEncoder …… … … …… WCF Summary WASWAS
WCF is the future of distributed computing It combines the best of all existing Microsoft distributed computing stacks It uses WS-* standards for interoperability and.NET value-add for performance and integration with existing solutions WCF is available for Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008