Finding Common Ground Through Literacy CCSS and NGSS


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Presentation transcript:

Finding Common Ground Through Literacy CCSS and NGSS Karen Cerwin ( Kathy DiRanna ( K-12 Alliance/WestEd NSTA Boston 2014


Session Outcomes “Experience” a science lesson supported by speaking/listening, writing and reading. Identify the links between the CCSS-ELA, CCSS ELA Literacy in Science, and the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Explore ways to rubric score student work

New Opportunities for All Learners Common Core Standards (ELA and Mathematics) Next Generation Science Standards 21st Century Skills

BIG IDEA for Science ELA: read, write, and research across the curriculum, including in history and science Mathematics: learn and apply concepts and mathematics ways of thinking to real world issues and challenges

Observation: Notebook Entry Take independent notes as you observe samples 1 and 2. Use all senses except taste. #1 is clear; has no smell; stays on finger when touched; doesn’t cling to side of cup #2 is clear; has smell; cools finger and seems to evaporate; clings to side of cup

Phenomenon What do you observe: In cup #1? In cup #2?

Pause and Write: How can you explain what you observed? With your group: - Discuss your observations - Draw a picture that explains what you think happened in both cups. - Write a detailed explanation of what you think happened in both cups.

Read All About It Use a “talk to the text” strategy to read the text. How would you modify your drawing/explanation based on the text?

Pause--Reflect After reading, modify your drawing and explanation based on your reading. In your group, discuss how your thinking changed from your original drawing and explanation.

Aligning with CCSS Literacy in Science Grade 5: SL 5.1 Participate in collaborative conversations SL 5.5 Add drawings to clarify ideas Grades 6-8: WHST 6-8.1 Discipline specific claim with evidence Grades 9-10: RST9-10.1 Citing evidence from text

ELA Text Type and Purposes: Middle School Fold the CCSS Example A (7th grade) in half so that the left side is facing up. Review the ELA standards for text types and purposes: #1 (argument) #2 (informative) #3 (narrative)

Content Literacy in Science: Text Type and Purposes Unfold the paper Review the Content Literacy in Science Standards in the right column What do you notice?

ELA Text Type and Purposes: What About Elementary School? K-5 Literacy in Science Standards are embedded in the K-5 ELA Standards

Words Can Be Confusing Argumentative Writing Informative/Explanatory Text Engaging in argument from evidence Constructing explanations Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Argumentation CCSS NGSS Argumentative Writing = Argumentative Writing = Engaging in Argument from Evidence Constructing Explanations +

Communication NGSSSEP #7 Argument from evidence NGSS SEP #6 CCSS Text Type 1 Argumentation Intro Claim Evidence (Counter Claim) Conclusion NGSS SEP #6 Constructing Explanations Reasoning Communication NGSSSEP #7

Explanation CCSS NGSS Informative/ Explanatory Text = Explanatory Text + Research = Constructing Explanations Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information

Communication Information NGSS SEP #8 CCSS Text Type 2 Information/Explanatory Scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. CCSS Research (7-9) Conduct ….research projects to answer a question …. or solve a problem NGSS SEP #8 Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Information Produce scientific and technical text, tables, diagrams, interactive displays, equations Communication

Backward-Design for Quality Student Work What will students learn? Science and English-language arts How will students demonstrate their learning? How will I facilitate their learning? For #2 What will the learning look/sound like for science? What will the learning look/sound like for ELA? What type of written text will reveal student thinking? What type of reading text will add/challenge student thinking? Are speaking and listening part of the student work?

Example Expected Student Work Student work will indicate student understanding of the science learning goal: only metals that contain iron, cobalt and nickel are magnetic. Student work will be expressed through the ELA learning goal: Argumentation writing making a claim with evidence from discussion, the science experiment, and reading.

Building Student Understanding Examples of Scaffolds for writing: Criteria for Writing an Explanation Developing a Scientific Explanation Tool

Scoring Guide Components High Medium Low Something About Science Something about literacy Communicating Information We should link these back to the CCSS is slide 14

If you are given an ELA rubric ….what can you do?

Compare the original rubric with modified rubric Look at the light and dark grey highlights What do you notice? Share with a partner

Simplified Scoring Guide Component High Medium Low Science Understanding Metals must have Fe, Co or Ni to be magnetic Metals must have iron Any metal will work Text Type Criteria Stated claim; used evidence from experiment and reading; had a conclusion Stated claim, use 1-2 pieces of evidence; no or weak conclusion Series of information, no claim, no conclusion Use of Academic Language Attract Use attract and stick stick Communicating Information Links evidence—metals with Fe, Co or Ni; therefore paper clip must be one of those List evidence but doesn’t link it Evidence not supported; claim is not stated

Scoring for Learning How does component scoring help identify the student learning for the science and literacy learning goals? How does component scoring help the teacher’s next interventions?

Carpe Diem