Treasury’s Borrowings Program Federal Credit Reform Adam Charlton Accountant, Federal Borrowings Branch April 12, 2007
Summary of Presentation Overview of Borrowings Borrowings Website Borrowings Systems Year-End Interest Calculators Year-End Reminders
Roles Stephanie Blair, Accountant Carol Brooks, Accountant Adam Charlton, Accountant Gale Daggett, Accountant Tabitha Linch, Accountant Milissia Morris, Accountant Division of Accounting Operations Veronica Lowther, Director (Acting) Federal Borrowings Branch Crystal Hanna, Manager Dorothy Dicks, Staff Accountant Jill Reeves, Team Lead
Federal Borrowings Branch Dorothy Dicks, Staff Accountant Jill Reeves, Team Lead Stephanie Blair, Accountant Gale Daggett, Accountant Carol Brooks, Accountant Milissia Morris, Accountant Crystal Hanna, Manager Adam Charlton, Accountant & baby
Primary Roles of Borrowings Establish loan agreements Approve loan transactions using GWA Collect interest payments using IPAC Report loans receivable, interest receivable and interest revenue Publish Treasury certified interest rates
Treasury Loans Outstanding 5% 6% 7% 23% 10% 49% As of February 28, 2007
Treasury Loans Outstanding AgencyBalance Outstanding (millions) Percent Dept of Education$115,92549% Dept of Agriculture$54,25723% Dept of Homeland Security$17,5877% Dept of Treasury$14,4546% Small Business Administration$13,0925% All Others$23,08610% Total Loans Outstanding$238,401 As of February 28, 2007
Credit vs Non-Credit Reform Credit ReformNon-Credit Reform Funds with Outstanding Balances 62 (77%)19 (23%) Number of Loans Outstanding 1,705 (19%)7,276 (81%) Balance of Loans Outstanding (millions) $185,177 (78%)$53,224 (22%) As of February 28, 2007
Summary of Presentation Overview of Borrowings Borrowings Website Borrowings Systems Year-End Interest Calculators Year-End Reminders
TreasuryDirect Website Click Here
Borrowings Link Click Here
Online Reports Click here for online reports
Online Reports Choose Month
Report Selection Detailed Fund Specific Report Summary General Ledger Report
Detailed Fund Specific Report $9,677, $223,184, Detailed Principal and Accrued Interest Balance Report has two sections: The top section contains principal outstanding and the related accrued interest. The bottom section shows other principal and accrued interest. Examples include accrued interest on early repayments for credit reform programs, overdue principal of matured loans and overdue interest. Adding the totals from each section will equal the totals found in the Summary General Ledger Balance Report.
Summary Ledger Report Summary General Ledger Balance Report illustrates the loans receivable, interest receivable and interest revenue. Treasury accrues interest on a daily basis. For credit reform funds, the prior fiscal year’s rate is used until the actual rate becomes available. When principal is repaid to Treasury between October 1 and August 31, Treasury reverses accrued interest reported and accrues ½ year of interest on the principal. When principal is repaid to Treasury between September 1 through September 30, Treasury will accrue a full year of interest.
Online Interest Rates Click here for interest rates
Interest Rates Credit Reform Rates
Credit Reform Rates
Summary of Presentation Overview of Borrowings Borrowings Website Borrowings Systems Year-End Interest Calculators Year-End Reminders
Systems Flowchart BPD Approved Borrowings & Repayments (Principal) Repayments (Interest) Invest One PARS
GWA Flowchart Agency Preparer Agency Certifier BPD Approver Publications Supervisor Agency Certified Agency Rejected BPD Certified BPD Rejected FMS Approved Publication Rejected New Saved Finished Reversed STAR
IPAC All IPAC transactions will be required to have: SGL data for both sender and receiver TAS for both sender and receiver BETC for both sender and receiver
Business Event Type Code The BETC is an 8-character code used to indicate the type of activity being reported Used in combination with TAS to classify the transaction Replaces transaction codes and standard subclasses
Implementation of BETC Effective August 1, 2008 all IPAC transactions will use the new BETCs TFM Bulletin No Agencies are encouraged to implement as soon as possible IPAC will no longer be reported on 224 Further information can be found at
IPAC BETCs for Borrowings TransactionBETC Payment Sender (Agency) Gross DisbursementDISB Receiver (BPD) Collection To An Unavailable Receipt Account COLUVRCT Collection Sender (Agency) Adjustment to Gross Disbursements DISBAJ Receiver (BPD) Adjustment to Collections for an Unavailable COLUVRAJ
GWA BETCs for Borrowings PREVIOUSNEW Borrowing ACTIVITY TYPE TRANS CODE SUB CLASS BETC Borrowing From The US Treasury7195BPD Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury7195CRB Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury7195NCRB Reverse Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury7195RCRB Reverse Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury7195RNCRB Repayment Repayment of Borrowing From The US Treasury6185BPDP Repayment of Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185PCRB Repayment of Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185PNCRB Reverse Repayment of Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185RPCR Reverse Repayment of Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185RPNCR Reverse Write-Off of Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185RWNCR Write-Off of Non-Credit Reform Borrowing From The US Treasury6185WNCR
Reversing GWA Transactions Reversals are used when GWA transactions are incorrect and have already been STAR posted Reversal must be done by the person who submitted the original transaction User must have the correct access in GWA
Ensuring Correct Access Select Manage My Applications Select VIEW by the GWA Application Select Modify Access Select Add Module/Role From the --Select Module-- drop-down select BPDR Select Next Select Finish
Reversing the Transaction Go to GWA & find the transaction you want to reverse under ‘Posted Transactions’ Select the blue reversal icon Select the ‘Reverse’ button at the bottom of the page
Summary of Presentation Overview of Borrowings Borrowings Website Borrowings Systems Year-End Interest Calculators Year-End Reminders
Gold Stars! 11X4122 12X4337 36X4124 73X4149 11X4137 13X4314 36X4127 73X4150 11X4174 13X4324 36X4130 83X4028 12X4049 13X4328 36X4258 83X4161 12X4143 14X4163 68X4322 86X4077 12X4146 14X4415 69X4123 86X4105 12X4158 14X4416 69X4304 86X4242 12X4177 19X4107 69X4420 86X4587 12X4211 20X4088 70X4234 91X4252 12X4212 20X4286 71X4074 91X4253 12X4215 27X4133 71X4075 97X4166 12X4221 36X4112 73X4148
FY 2006 Calculators 47 Programs sent their calculators in by Friday, September 29 th ! Over 70% More than doubled the early submissions from FY 2005
Year-End Changes OMB is releasing a revised Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC2) CSC2 will combine the Financing Account Interest Calculator (FAIC) and the Credit Subsidy Calculator (CSC) Interest will be compounded on repayments during the year More information will be given in the 3:15–4:15 session
Additional CSC2 Information Federal Credit Support Page To be notified of updates, All other questions should be referred to your Program Examiner at OMB
Summary of Presentation Overview of Borrowings Borrowings Website Borrowings Systems Year-End Interest Calculators Year-End Reminders
Year-End Checklist September 30 th falls on a non-business day this year Process borrowings and repayments as soon as possible Verify that transactions agree with the interest calculator Submit all new sub-cohorts to Borrowings before entering the transactions in GWA
Normal Borrowings Certify final borrowing no later than 3 p.m. EST on Friday, September 28 th Transaction date: September 28, 2007 Effective date: October 1, 2006 Borrowings due to normal operations for the fiscal year
Borrowings to Pay Interest Certify final borrowing no later than 3 p.m. EST on Friday, September 28 th Transaction date: September 30, 2007 Effective date: September 30, 2007 Borrowings that are used to pay interest
Repayments Certify final repayment no later than 3 p.m. EST on Friday, September 28 th Transaction date: September 28, 2007 Effective date: September 28, 2007 Repayments due on September 30 th
Interest Payments During the month of September, the amount of interest will be the same no matter when the IPAC transaction is processed TFM Volume 1 Part 2 Chapter 4600
Year-End IPAC Submit interest payments in IPAC on or before 3 p.m. EST on Friday, September 28 th Send one IPAC per fund symbol for the total interest costs of all sub-cohorts Total should match the Calculator’s Interest Costs
Interest Income Credit Accounting Branch at FMS oversees the interest income portion Submit IPAC charging 20X1880 to receive interest on uninvested funds IPAC needs to include a certification statement
Interest Calculator Deadline Submit all calculators & supporting documentation by 1 p.m. EST on Friday, September 28 th Fax:
Naming Guidelines Please include the following in the calculator file name: Treasury Account Symbol Sub-Cohort, if applicable
Guidelines When sending calculators, please include the following in the subject line of the Int Calc Treasury Account Symbol If Sending changes use ‘Revised #1’ Subject Line Examples: *Int Calc 11X4174 *Int Calc 11X4174, Revised #1 Calculators to:
FY 2007 Year-End Timeline 09/17 09/17 09/28 09/28 09/28 RATES Credit Reform Interest Rates Published CSC2 Credit Subsidy Calculator Available GWA Borrowings for normal operations, Borrowings to pay interest and Repayments of principal by 3 pm EST IPAC Interest payment due by 3 pm EST CSC2 Credit Subsidy Calculator due by 1 pm EST
Balance Confirmations During the first week of October, Borrowings will send an requesting each fund to confirm their records against Borrowings’ Print the detailed report for your specific fund and the G/L Balance Report from Borrowings’ website Fax signed reports to Borrowings
Balance Confirmations Confirm loan balances by maturity date Verify cohort and sub-cohort information Cohort Year Maturity Date Sub- Cohort
References Federal Credit Reform Act TFM Vol. 1 Part 2 Ch SFFAS No. 2 Accounting for Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees GWA User Manual IPAC User Manual User Manual Monthly Treasury Statement, Table 6 Schedule C Intragovernmental Transaction Information OMB Circular A-11
FMS Updates Be sure to sign- up for notifications on FMS’ website Be notified of important events and upcoming changes
Borrowings Contacts Address Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Public Debt Federal Borrowings Branch, Room H113 P.O. Box 396 Parkersburg, WV Phone Fax
Agency Visits We would like to invite you and other members of your agency to visit the Federal Borrowings Branch at the Bureau of the Public Debt in Parkersburg, WV