Microloan Program for Majuro’s Farmers Republic of the Marshall Islands USDA FARM SERVICE AGENCY Hawaii & Pacific Basin Diane L. Ley State Executive Director
Delivering Programs Over the Vast Pacific Ocean FSA is authorized to serve RMI’s producers with programs such as the Reimbursement of Transportation Costs Payment Program through virtual and mail application processesFSA is authorized to serve RMI’s producers with programs such as the Reimbursement of Transportation Costs Payment Program through virtual and mail application processes In 2013, Microloans were authorized nationwide as means to assist very small or beginning producers gain access to and experience with financial creditIn 2013, Microloans were authorized nationwide as means to assist very small or beginning producers gain access to and experience with financial credit Limited resources challenged FSA to deliver the Microloan Program to the underserved producers of MajuroLimited resources challenged FSA to deliver the Microloan Program to the underserved producers of Majuro Essential resources include a local point of contact to serve as marketer, provide technical assistance and help in packaging loan applicationsEssential resources include a local point of contact to serve as marketer, provide technical assistance and help in packaging loan applications
Partnerships – The Logical Option… With willing partners on board, FSA took steps to:With willing partners on board, FSA took steps to: Secure headquarters approvalSecure headquarters approval Complete the necessary background researchComplete the necessary background research Prepare processes and documentsPrepare processes and documents Host meetings and trainings for SBDC staffHost meetings and trainings for SBDC staff Secure the answer to numerous questionsSecure the answer to numerous questions A MOU was signed on December 19, 2014 officially launching the programA MOU was signed on December 19, 2014 officially launching the program Microloan fact sheets, applications and record keeping books are now available in Marshallese and English at the SBDC-RMI OfficeMicroloan fact sheets, applications and record keeping books are now available in Marshallese and English at the SBDC-RMI Office FSA approached Ambassador Armbruster and found a strong advocate and partnerFSA approached Ambassador Armbruster and found a strong advocate and partner RMI President Loeak offered up his support and the assistance of RMI’s CabinetRMI President Loeak offered up his support and the assistance of RMI’s Cabinet College of RMI agreed to support the initiative as part of its extension programCollege of RMI agreed to support the initiative as part of its extension program Pacific Islands SBDC Network saw the commonalities in its mission with that of FSA and agreed to assistPacific Islands SBDC Network saw the commonalities in its mission with that of FSA and agreed to assist Producers of Laura were enthusiastic to access MicroloansProducers of Laura were enthusiastic to access Microloans
Microloans for Majuro Farmers Microloans for Majuro Farmers Loans up to $50,000 Operating expenses, supplies, farm equipment, delivery vehicles, family living expenses… Streamlined application process Flexible eligibility requirements 2.5% fixed interest rate as of March 2015 Up to 7-year term, exceptions for beginning and veteran farmers
Serving the producers of Laura and Greater Majuro – The future is bright… Typical agro-forestry production with banana, breadfruit, papaya and taro SBDC-RMI is now working with 4 farmers to develop business plans as first steps to apply for Microloans
Kommol – Thank You FSA extends its sincere appreciation to our partners and looks forward to serving the producers of RMI U.S. Ambassador Tom Armbruster RMI President Christopher Loeak & the RMI Cabinet College of the Marshall Islands’ President Pacific Islands SBDC Network Casey Jeszenka, Anel Philimon & Leeno Aikuij
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