Was refused into the priesthood because he had diabetes mellitus. He used water treatments and diet to cure himself; and was admitted into the priesthood. He wrote a book: My Water Cure which greatly influenced hydrotherapy in America.
Wrote 1,290 page book: Rational Hydrotherapy Considered the greatest physician of his time. His fitness regimens consisted of wearing athletic diapers and bathing in electrified pools. Believing that meat gave people carnal thoughts, he invented Corn Flakes.
A business tycoon who developed diabetes Mellitus Was cured by Father Kneipp, (Sitz bath, fruits veggies, avoid sugar, bread, cereals and meat.) Studied medicine and established a sanitarium in Chicago. He wrote Nature Cure, which was a must read for anyone practicing hydrotherapy.
As a child he suffered from rheumatic fever and juvenile arthritis. He studied under Dr. Lindlahr. Was one of the first naturopaths in the west. He cured Dr. Kellogg’s wife of asthma. Dr. Carroll was the "the busiest health practitioner in the United States in the 1930's and 1940's. Dr. Carroll invented Constitutional Hydrotherapy, which is based on circulating “good” blood through out the body.
Soak feet and ankles in cold/very cold water. Procedure is to stimulate abdominal and pelvic organs, post-partum bleeding, and kidney or bladder bleeding. Contra indications are headache, asthma, pulmonary inflammations and a chilled patient
Can use alternate heat and cold to the head. Used to treat congestion, nervous and muscular tension trauma headaches Contraindications are migraine, aneurysm, glaucoma. Extreme caution must be used when working with client that have cardiovascular disease and inner ear disorders.
Soak feet and ankles in water ranging from degrees F. Procedure relieves congestion through out the body, prevent common cold, and to help reduce plantar warts. Contraindications include diabetic neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease.
Used to treat infections, traumatic injuries, bruises, arthritis, edema, venous stasis, and ulcers. Contraindications are cancer, peripheral vascular disease, hemorrhage, diabetic and neuropathy,
Treats acute pain, increase muscle tone, trigger points, muscle spasm. InflammationTreats acute pain, increase muscle tone, trigger points, muscle spasm. Inflammation Contraindications are skin sensitivity, adverse reaction to coldContraindications are skin sensitivity, adverse reaction to cold
Treats arthritis, bursitis, fibrosis, gout, and is a preparation for a massage. Contraindications are open wounds, peripheral vascular disease, acute inflammation, decreased sensation to extremities.
Treats congestion, cough, sore throat, laryngitis, heavy mucus.Treats congestion, cough, sore throat, laryngitis, heavy mucus. Contraindications are heart disease, sensitivity to heat.Contraindications are heart disease, sensitivity to heat.
1 st stage treats fever, weakness, anemia, loss of energy.1 st stage treats fever, weakness, anemia, loss of energy. 2 nd stage treats depression, mania, insomnia, nervousness, indigestion.2 nd stage treats depression, mania, insomnia, nervousness, indigestion. 3 rd stage treats constipation, nephritis, liver congestion, IBS, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease, malabsorption, pneumonia.3 rd stage treats constipation, nephritis, liver congestion, IBS, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease, malabsorption, pneumonia. 4 th stage treats cold, flu, bronchitis, addictions, liver disease, measles, as prevention to illness.4 th stage treats cold, flu, bronchitis, addictions, liver disease, measles, as prevention to illness. Contra indications are diabetes, sever cold or flu, cardiovascular disease, extreme weakness, acute asthma, claustrophobiaContra indications are diabetes, sever cold or flu, cardiovascular disease, extreme weakness, acute asthma, claustrophobia
Treats poor circulation, anemia, low thyroid activity, alcohol/drug/tobacco withdraw, fever, low energy, depression, cold and flu prevention.Treats poor circulation, anemia, low thyroid activity, alcohol/drug/tobacco withdraw, fever, low energy, depression, cold and flu prevention. Contraindications are skin infections, chilled patient, patient who cannot tolerate friction.Contraindications are skin infections, chilled patient, patient who cannot tolerate friction.
Is used to soften skin, stimulate the nervous system, chronic illness, poor circulation, low immunity, someone who cannot tolerate a wet sheet.Is used to soften skin, stimulate the nervous system, chronic illness, poor circulation, low immunity, someone who cannot tolerate a wet sheet. Contraindications include skin irritation, open lesions, diabetic neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease.Contraindications include skin irritation, open lesions, diabetic neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease.
Treats rheumatoid arthritis, neuromuscular conditions, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, burns, decubuitus ulcers, and post-op orthopedic conditionsTreats rheumatoid arthritis, neuromuscular conditions, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, burns, decubuitus ulcers, and post-op orthopedic conditions Contraindications are respiratory/cardiovascular ailmentsContraindications are respiratory/cardiovascular ailments.
Treatment involves producing a short mild fever, treats colds, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, jaundice, hypotension, insomnia, nervousness, congestion, preparation for massage. Contra indications are hypertension, diabetes, anemia, heart disease, decreased sensitivity, weakness, pregnancy.
Hot treats cystitis, dysmenorrhea, Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory disease, constipation, sciatica, hemorrhoids, congestion.Hot treats cystitis, dysmenorrhea, Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory disease, constipation, sciatica, hemorrhoids, congestion. Cold increases tone of uterus, bladder and colon, decreases chances of pelvic bleeding, subinvolution of the uterus, constipation.Cold increases tone of uterus, bladder and colon, decreases chances of pelvic bleeding, subinvolution of the uterus, constipation. Contrast treats poor pelvic circulation, vaginal infection, CPI, prostatitis, chronic constipation, hemmoriods, congestion, postpartum care.Contrast treats poor pelvic circulation, vaginal infection, CPI, prostatitis, chronic constipation, hemmoriods, congestion, postpartum care. Contra indications are general contraindications for hot and cold.Contra indications are general contraindications for hot and cold.
Treats poor circulation, muscle spasms, sprains, amputation stumps, fibrosis, post-op orthopedic conditions, peripheral vascular and nerve diseases. Contra indications are the patient cannot tolerate the force of the water.
Hot - impacted feces, intestinal parasites, ulcerative colitis. Cold -acute pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic and abdominal congestion. Charcoal -snakebite, kidney failure, toxins Chronic constipation, colon musculature, poor digestion, vaginitis, cervicitis, yeast infections, postpartum, trichmonas.