Dakota Davis Spring 2013
Custom Work ◦ Wheat Harvest ◦ Small Square Baling and Hauling ◦ Swathing and Round Baling Commercial Cattle Operations Auctions ◦ Livestock Auction Yard Manager ◦ Auctioneer
Registered Polled Hereford Seedstock ◦ 500 Acres of Native Range Pasture Commercial Beef Production ◦ 200 Acres of Native Range Pasture Auctioneer Part-Time Equipment Salesman at Enid New Holland ◦ Full-time upon graduation 120 Acres of Alfalfa Production
Livestock Production Custom/Commercial Haying Spraying Winter Wheat Production
Grow Safe Feeders ◦ Measures Residual Feed Intake and Cattle Behavior ◦ Useful in determining cattle that are feed efficient Invest in those genetics ◦ Once identified, we can produce more beef for consumes with less grain input
How it Works Each Calf in the Pen has an RFID Tag that is read by the feeder System Calculates ◦ Duration and intake for every individual feeding event up to one second accurate (feeding event criterion is user defined). ◦ Head down and in to out duration during this event up to one second accurate. ◦ Feed disappearance during events up to one second accurate. ◦ Feeding frequency throughout the day ◦ Automatic calculation of feed supply. ◦ Feeding rate throughout feeding event. ◦ Animals standing at the bunk not consuming feed. ◦ Time of the event, one second accurate. ◦ Intervals between events. ◦ Number of animals feeding simultaneously. ◦ Social hierarchy - "who feeds besides who" and "who feeds first". ◦ Sends data to Computer for Analysis Cost is $120,000 to feed 125 head
Accurate Information to use in developing feed efficient Beef Primarily will be used in Seedstock Industry Saves on Input Costs Decreases Pollution in the Environment ◦ Efficient Cattle use less grain, which means they will emit less Methane gas into the environment. Feed the world with less animals and less land use requirements
Embryo Transfer work in Cattle ◦ Allows producers to super ovulate cattle so they produce more eggs for fertilization. Once fertilized the embryos can be flushed from the uterus and placed in recipient females. ◦ This means that superior animals who naturally produce one offspring each year can produce multiple offspring creating a faster turnover in genetic improvement.
Cost for basic In-Vivo ET work is $ /cow Cost for In-Vitro ET work is $ /cow
Lely Astronaut A4 ◦ Robotic Milking Machine ◦ Requires no human interaction ◦ Cows go into he pen by themselves and the milker does the rest
Business Week Cost in the United States is $210,000/robot /the cow-milking-robot /the cow-milking-robot
Custom and Commercial New Holland H8000 Series Self Propelled Windrower ◦ Intelliview III Monitor- Comes Standard ◦ Autosteer-$7300 Upgrade ◦ Total Cost is between $90,000-$100,000 for the machine
New Holland T7.235 Tractor ◦ These Tractors come with options like: Autosteer WAAS or RTK Guidance Sidewinder Armrest with Intelliview III Monitor Tier 4 Emission Compliant ◦ Tractor Cost with all these options: $ RSP Actually cost can get down in to: $170k-180k
Allows farmers to better understand their soil nutrient content ◦ Therefore they can achieve better use of their fertilizer When to do it? ◦ If you acquire a new farm without known history ◦ Every Few Years at you discretion Cost in Sumner County, KS: Heartland Soil Sampling- $8.25-$9.25/acre
Improves quality of life ◦ More time at home due to increased efficiencies ◦ Increases production yields ◦ Creates more food with better use of inputs Decreases Fatigue in operations ◦ When using guidance or “robot milkers” or any other P.A technology, it generally reduces the amount of physical labor required Increases bottom line ◦ By reducing costs and optimizing inputs, you increase profits
Sources ◦ ◦ 05/the cow-milking-robot 05/the cow-milking-robot ◦ ◦ ◦