Building Work Skills: Plan from the End & Integrate from the Start! Presenters: Lia Conklin: ELL Instructor/Team Leader, EL Civics Grant Coordinator & Designer, Ronald Hubbs Center, St. Paul, MN Elizabeth Andress: ELL & ServSafe Instructor, EL Civics Grant Team Leader & Designer, Ronald Hubbs Center, St. Paul, MN EL Civics Grant materials available at:
Session Objectives Session Objective 1: Identify work skills and language skills required in a real life or work scenario. Session Objective 3: Find available culminating activities and support materials on-line. Session Objective 4: Outline a unit plan with a culminating activity, section activities and work skills. Session Objective 2: Create a unit culminating activity in which learners use targeted work & language skills. Session Objective 5: Evaluate your performance on workshop objectives using a variety of evaluation methods. Session Objective 6: Participate in an authentic example of a product-based unit (i.e. this presentation).
Session Learning Goals Name: _______________________ Date: _____________________ Circle the picture that shows how you feel about each leaning goal. = Hard, = So-so, = Easy Learning GoalsBefore UnitAfter Unit 1.Identify work skills and linguistic functions required in a real life or work scenario. 2. Create a unit culminating activity in which learners use the targeted work and language skills. 3. Find available culminating activities and support materials on-line. 4. Outline a unit plan with a culminating activity, section activities and transferable work skills. 5. Evaluate your performance on workshop objectives using a variety of evaluation methods. 6. Participate in an authentic example of a product- based unit (i.e. this session).
Unit Planning: Small Group Grid Unit Topic Real-life Scenario Work SkillsLanguage Skills Culminating Activity Health Community Food Housing Civic Responsibility Consumerism
Self Evaluation Instructions: Read each question. Circle your answer. Name:Date: 1. Can I identify real life scenarios? Yes Somewhat No 2. Can I identify work skills needed for real life scenarios? Yes Somewhat No 3. Can I identify language skills needed for real life scenarios? Yes Somewhat No 4. Can I create a culminating activity that targets real life work & language skills ? Yes Somewhat No 5. Can I work with a team? Yes Somewhat No 6. Can I evaluate my learning? Yes Somewhat No
Product-Based Unit Plan: Health Example Work skills: Read a schedule. Schedule appts. Match RX #s to labels. Give health recommendations. Activity Product: Fill in a weekly schedule to find one’s availability. Culminating Activity Making/taking appoints. Visiting the Dr./ receiving patients. Asking/answering health Qs Following/giving prescriptions Section Product: Simulate making a Dr’s appointment. Section Product: Simulate visiting a doctor & receiving patients. Activity Product: Identify parts of the body to show what “hurts”. Activity Product: Practice explaining symptoms w/ “I have”. Activity Product: Categorize health problems into “911” or Dr’s. appt.: Activity Product: Practice “Making an appointment ” dialogue. Activity Product: Read a doctor’s schedule for Dr’s availability. Activity Product: Fill out a medical history form. Activity Product: Practice “Visiting the Dr.” dialogue.
Product-Based Unit Plan Description Choose an authentic Culminating Activity that promotes work skills (Unit Product). Outline benchmarks that integrate a variety of skill types and are achievable w/in the Unit Product. Segment Unit Product into authentic instructional “chunks” (Section Product) that scaffold to Unit Product. Break down Sections into activities w/ products (Activity Product) that scaffold to Section Product.
Product-Based Unit Plan: Description Activity Product: 2. Provide authentic practice. Culminating Activity Section Product: 1.Scaffolds to Unit product 2.Provides authentic practice. Section Product: Activity Product: 1.Scaffold to Section product Activity Product: Integrate Benchmarks Language & Strategies Work Skills Technology & numeracy Social Interaction Independent Learning
Product-Based Unit Plan Template: Work Skills: Activity Product: Culminating Activity Section Product: Activity Product:
Peer Evaluation Instructions: Read each question. Circle your answer. Peer’s Name:Date: 1. Can he/she identify a culminating activity? Yes Somewhat No 2. Can he/she identify work & language skills to be demonstrated in the culminating activity? Yes Somewhat No 3. Can he/she identify section products? Yes Somewhat No 4. Can he/she identify activity products? Yes Somewhat No
Team Evaluation Instructions: Read each question. Circle your answer. Your Name:Date: 1. Did everyone participate? Yes Somewhat No 2. Did you participate? Yes Somewhat No 3. Did you learn how to create a unit plan using the product-based method? Yes Somewhat No 4. Did your team do a good job? Yes Somewhat No 5. Did you do a good job? Yes Somewhat No