NUTRIENTS Vitamins Minerals Complex carbohydrates Water
Characteristics of Fresh Fruit Full Size Edible tissue softens Color Changes Flavor mildly sweet Characteristic aroma
RIPENS/SPOILAGE Ripens as a result of enzyme action Delayed by refrigeration
TIPS FOR BUYING Prepackaged – no moisture loss Largest not always best US Fancy or US Extra Fancy for guides Prices not reliable guide Buy only quantity needed Buy good quality
STORAGE Store in fruit & vegetable drawer Avoid bruising Wash before storing except berries If green, ripen at room temp. Bananas can ripen in brown paper bag Cover fruits with strong aroma
PROCESSED FRUIT Longer storage, readily available FROZEN: - Color, nutrition, flavor are most like fresh -Buying – brand names, package not stained, completely frozen Storage – store immediately in freezer, do not thaw until ready to use. DO NOT REFREEZE !
CANNED FRUITS Usually sweetened before canning – exposed to high temperatures, color & flavor change Buying – read labels, avoid dented cans and bulges, choose grade for purpose Storage – cool dry place, refrigerate once opened in different container, not can !
DRIED FRUITS Water is removed to extend shelf time Buying – read labels (additives) Storage - cool dry place, sealed, once cooked store in refrigerator
COOKERY PRESERVING NUTRIENTS –Prepare just before serving –Store in covered container –Avoid cutting when possible –Do not strain juice –Cook in as little water as possible –Serve the liquid with the fruit –Use fruits with skins –Peel thinly –Serve raw whenever possible
COOKING CHANGES FRUIT Appearance and flavor Softens cellulose Moist heat – becomes soft and fall apart (Ex: applesauce) Added sugar – helps fruit hold it’s shape (Ex: baked apples or apple rings)
METHODS OF COOKING Simmer – cook covered in own juice or small amount of added water Stewing – cook in small amount of liquid with sugar added (fruit holds own shape) Baking – best used with fruits with heavy skin – skin holds steam in Dried – soaked in hot water, then cooked in same water, simmering. Add sugar near end of cooking Deep Frying – fry in fat (apple fritters)
EXTRA INFO ! Sprinkle surface with high acid fruit juice to keep fruit from turning brown (Ex: lemon juice, can also use 7-Up) Vitamin C is lost through air contact and water (water soluble)