By Brian Pijanowski
Region-West State-Montana Capital-Helena Longitude °W Latitude-48.69°N
LANDFORMS GNP is part of the Rocky Mountain Range that runs from Canada to Mexico.
Mount ClevelandMount Cleveland -10,466 feet-10,466 feet -3,000 meters-3,000 meters Lies in the northern part of parkLies in the northern part of park Chief mountainChief mountain IN the northernIN the northern 9,081 feet9,081 feet Mountain range Lewis rangeMountain range Lewis range Mount StimsonMount Stimson In the southernIn the southern 10,466 feet10,466 feet First ascent 1951First ascent 1951
CULTURE Native Americans have live GNP for 10,000 years the tribe names are Blackfeet Kalispell Kootenai Salish and the flatheads.
Blackfeet Controlled most of the land Chief mountain was a place where the Blackfeet could live. Early settlers George Bird Grinnell came to Glacier NP He asked the government to project the park. IN 1910 president William Howard Taft signed a bill to create Glacier NP Modern Day There is 1,853,564 1,000 thousand visit the park every day.
WATERWAYS Glacier are slow moving sheets of ice and snow.
Lake McDonald Length 11 miles Width ½ Located in North east quadrant Grinnell Glacier Located in north east part of park 11/2 miles long 1mile wide 290 acres 500 feet thick Largest glacier in the park Blackfoot 2 nd largest in the park Located in the north west quadrant The Glacier was recently measured in 2005 at 441 acres
About 60 million years ago Earths crust began to shift. The rock layers began to crack and break the rocks piled up to create mountains. –Limestone –Mudstone –Sandstone