75% water 25% land ½ is too dry or too cold for large-scale agriculture 75% of world population lives along a river or a coastline... or 5% of the land area ½ of a ½ of a ¼ Or...
POPULATION Population density Arithmetic density # people total land area = Longwood University campus – 7,994 students/sq. mi. D. Hardin
POPULATION Population density Physiologic density # people total arable land = Agricultural density # people total farmed land = D. Hardin
POPULATION Population density Carrying Capacity: The ability of a given amount of land To support a given number of people At a given level of technology D. Hardin
POPULATION Population density D. Hardin Egypt 2011 Population – 80,410,017 Total Land Area – 390,117 sq. mi. Arable Land – 12,873 sq. mi. (3.3%) Farmed Land 1,950 sq. mi. (0.5%) Arithmetic Density 206 persons/sq. mi. (just a bit higher than Virginia) Egypt
POPULATION Population density D. Hardin Physiologic Density: 6,246 persons/sq. mi. Egypt Agricultural Density: 41,236 persons/sq. mi.!
POPULATION Population change D. Hardin TP = OP + B – D + I - E Total Population Original Population BirthsDeaths Immigra- tion Emigra- tion Natural Population Change Migration
POPULATION Population change D. Hardin Rates of change Highest – Niger: 3.52% Lowest – Moldova: -0.68% World average – 1.1% (down from 1.2%) It’s all in the numbers. Take two countries with identical growth rates (.42%)… Grenada: 105,303 X.42% = 442 people annually China: 1,353,600,687 X.42% = 5,685,122 people annually World: 7,072,887,517 X 1.1% = 77,801,762 people annually That’s 70% of the population of Virginia every year! That’s nearly 10 Virginias every year!
POPULATION Population change D. Hardin
POPULATION Demographic Transition Time Birth rate Death rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 5 D. Hardin Stage 4
POPULATION Population Pyramids D. Hardin
POPULATION Demographic Transition & population pyramids Time Birth rate Death rate Total population D. Hardin Stage 1
POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 1 D. Hardin
POPULATION Time Birth rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 D. Hardin Death rate Demographic Transition & population pyramids
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 2 Nigeria Libya Iraq 2003
POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 2 D. Hardin [Youth serves the Fuhrer]
D. Hardin Industrial Revolution Medical Revolution Hans Rosling video POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 2
POPULATION Demographic Transition Time Birth rate Death rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 D. Hardin
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 3 Israel India Egypt
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 3
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 3
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 3
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 3
POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage s 1980s 1990s 1970s Brazil
POPULATION Demographic Transition Time Birth rate Death rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 D. Hardin Stage 4
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 4 United States Australia Canada
D. Hardin Social Security decreases poverty among the elderly… Per capita Social Security expenditures and poverty rate for 65+, …while allowing seniors their independence… …and creating the nuclear family. POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 4
POPULATION Demographic Transition Time Birth rate Death rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 5 D. Hardin Stage 4
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Stage 5 Japan Germany Switzerland
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Germany Stage WW I Hitler’s baby boom WW II Stage 2 moving to Stage 3
POPULATION Demographic Transition D. Hardin Germany’s “Guest Workers” Stage 5
POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 5 D. Hardin Germany’s “Guest Workers”
POPULATION Demographic Transition Stage 5 D. Hardin Germany’s “Guest Workers”
POPULATION Demographic Transition U.S. population pyramids D. Hardin
POPULATION Demographic Transition Ageing U.S. population D. Hardin
POPULATION Demographic Transition Ageing U.S. population D. Hardin
Voter Turn-out by Age, POPULATION Demographic Transition Ageing U.S. population D. Hardin ?
POPULATION Population change D. Hardin TP = OP + B – D + I - E Total Population Original Population BirthsDeaths Immigra- tion Emigra- tion Natural Population Change Migration
D. Hardin POPULATION "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door." Migration Immigration
D. Hardin POPULATION Average Migrant Profile Young – average in the 20s (age most willing to do hard, distasteful work) Educated – average some high school; the best and brightest coming to US (“brain drain”) Motivated – decision to migrate is more than the average person is willing to risk; willing to endure hardship so their children will have better lives (“American Dream”) Migration Immigration
D. Hardin POPULATION Migration Immigration Population Pyramids for Hispanic Citizens and Immigrants in Virginia, 2006
United States Mexico San Diego San Ysidro Tijuana D. Hardin POPULATION Migration Immigration U.S.-Mexico border
D. Hardin Migration POPULATION Hispanic population: US
Migration POPULATION Hispanic population: nativist fears D. Hardin
Migration POPULATION Hispanic population: VA D. Hardin Region of Birth for Virginia’s Foreign Born
Migration POPULATION Hispanic population: VA D. Hardin
Migration Internal POPULATION D. Hardin
POPULATION D. Hardin Migration Internal
POPULATION D. Hardin Migration Internal
POPULATION D. Hardin Migration Political geography
D. Hardin POPULATION Migration Political geography Gerrymandering
D. Hardin POPULATION Migration Political geography Redistricting in Virginia 2011
POPULATION Demographic Transition Time Birth rate Death rate Total population Stage 1Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 5 D. Hardin Stage 4