Knowledge Building Marlene Scardamalia Mary Lamon Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) OISE/University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada Knowledge Building Marlene Scardamalia Mary Lamon Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) OISE/University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Knowledge Society Challenge Productive manipulation of symbols Beyond basic literacy High level of achievement Beyond learning to creating knowledge Productive manipulation of symbols Beyond basic literacy High level of achievement Beyond learning to creating knowledge
Technological and social innovations are simultaneous
Technology Innovation Knowledge Forum® - the software Technology Innovation Knowledge Forum® - the software Embedding the process of innovation into the everyday lives of knowledge workers Knowledge Forum is a fully component-based Internet-savvy knowledge building environment. Since its inception, Knowledge Forum has been recognized as the leading computer environment for collaborative knowledge building. Used from elementary to tertiary education, health care and community organizations, and businesses. Embedding the process of innovation into the everyday lives of knowledge workers Knowledge Forum is a fully component-based Internet-savvy knowledge building environment. Since its inception, Knowledge Forum has been recognized as the leading computer environment for collaborative knowledge building. Used from elementary to tertiary education, health care and community organizations, and businesses.
A brief tutorial on the software
Hong Kong This is a note: the basic way to contribute to the database Knowledge Forum is a multimedia database supporting creative work with ideas.
The body of a note with searchable keywords helps people find others with similar interests.
Views contain notes on the same problem or theme. Notes can be moved from View to View as ideas develop. Notes in pink -read; those in blue - not read. This is a quick way to see what you’ve read.
Drawing tools Inserting a picture frame This is a new View: Graphics can be drawn or copied as backgrounds.
Scaffold supports are like the scaffolds that builders use - they keep the building up and are removed when not needed.
References avoid the copy and delete strategy that many students tend to use when writing.
Students build on each others’ work
Marlene Scardamalia, the Director of the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology and designer of Knowledge Forum, describes how the software supports knowledge building communities movie
advanced Information technology advanced Information technology knowledge-based societies and economies
Knowledge Building Producing knowledge of value to a community, and continually improving it Starts with the natural tendency to play with ideas Emphasis is on solving problems of understanding Community values include continual improvement of ideas, knowledge-building discussions, collective responsibility The Social Innovation
How the curriculum usually works: From experts to novices
What does a revolution in schooling look like?
Improvable Ideas All ideas are treated as improvable. Students work continuously to improve the quality, coherence, and utility of ideas. movie
1996/1997- Grade 4 students had already made this discovery!
Students set forth their ideas and negotiate a fit between personal ideas and ideas of others. movie
Yes, the curriculum is covered!
Everyone builds knowledge: Teachers, researchers and physicists trying to understand how to teach flight to Grade 5 students
Knowledge problems arise from efforts to understand the world. Ideas produced or appropriated are as real as things touched and felt. movie
Democratizing Knowledge All participants are legitimate contributors to the shared goals of the community Dialogue with elders in Iqaluit movie
Rose Avenue Public School and the Institute of Child Study People simultaneously building their own knowledge while advancing the knowledge of others
Community Knowledge Contributions to shared, top-level goals of the organization are prized. movie
Harry Camsell School in Hay River, NWT and the Institute of Child Study, ON Beyond Best Practice: Symmetric Knowledge Advancement
The Simple Story The more you work with ideas the more you learn the more you innovate
The Knowledge Building Trajectory: Everyone Richer Knowledge that is immediately useful to themselves and their community Habits of mind conducive to lifelong learning Connected discourses within and between communities that open new possibilities for barrier-crossing and mutual support Knowledge that is immediately useful to themselves and their community Habits of mind conducive to lifelong learning Connected discourses within and between communities that open new possibilities for barrier-crossing and mutual support
Which Way to the Revolution? The Barrier: Knowledge building is a luxury-- to be enjoyed after the basics, after the scores are up. The Challenge: Incorporate creative work with ideas from the beginning. The Barrier: Knowledge building is a luxury-- to be enjoyed after the basics, after the scores are up. The Challenge: Incorporate creative work with ideas from the beginning.
Analysis tools in Knowledge Forum
Research Results Standardized test scores in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling Ability to read difficult texts Quality of questions and comments Depth of explanation Graphical literacy Conceptual change Math problem solving Portfolio commentaries Collaborative processes Inquiry processes Standardized test scores in reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling Ability to read difficult texts Quality of questions and comments Depth of explanation Graphical literacy Conceptual change Math problem solving Portfolio commentaries Collaborative processes Inquiry processes
Grade 1 Student: Looking to Life Without Knowledge Forum Where will my ideas go? Who will help improve them? Where will my ideas go? Who will help improve them?
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