Discover Manufacturing
What are you hoping to take away from this session?
How did Discover Manufacturing get started? Manufacturing Council and Workforce development committee history Constraints and problems with the old model
Past Success T.V. commercials Reverse job shadows Published white papers Workkeys, NCRC and Work Ready Communities Discover Manufacturing Today Video Challenge
Opportunity Michigan Works adopts a demand driven system Michigan Works uses cluster strategy Governor Synder creates the Prosperity Regions
Progress to Date Expanded our outreach to the entire labor shed of Region 4 Secured the support of Michigan Works BSP Michael Blakley Strategic plan, governance structure Employer interest Brand, website, brochure
What differentiates DM from typical employer support? Uses data and credentialing to align and connect talent –Training program curriculum, enrollment and capacity –Employer real-time demand –Connecting talent supply
What differentiates DM from typical employer support? Bigger voice to promote manufacturing careers and develop pipeline Bigger voice to steer curriculum Networking to share best practices Key partners at the same table –Training dollars, trainers and employers
Current Efforts Recruiting employers throughout region Engaging regional economic, workforce, educational, and employer association partners Soft launch with bigger public launch to come…. all our welcome Multiple initiatives underway
Talent Tours Discover Manufacturing Today Challenge National Manufacturing Day M-CAM (Michigan Coalition for Advanced Manufacturing) West Michigan Talent Demand Career Quest FuturePrep Connections Advanced Manufacturing Partnership(AMP) STTF Grant Current Efforts
The Future What it means to be a member Do we form an association? Future budget and governance Does this all make sense? Do the metrics reflect success? Will regional partners recognize the region’s greater good?
Discussion Jay Dunwell, President Wolverine Coil Spring Michael Blakley, Talent Coordinator Discover Manufacturing