The 2014 GED ® Test on Computer Mathematical Reasoning.


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Presentation transcript:

The 2014 GED ® Test on Computer Mathematical Reasoning

Math The 2014 GED ® Test

Content  45% Quantitative Problem- Solving  55% Algebraic Problem-Solving  Academic & Workplace contexts The 2014 GED ® Test

Question Types  50% written to DOK level 2  30% will be aligned to a Practice standard as well as a content indicator  TI-30XS on-screen calculator provided for MOST items The 2014 GED ® Test

What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Quantitative Targets Q.1.dIdentify absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line & determine the distance between two rational numbers on the number line, including using the absolute value of their difference Q.2.dDetermine when a numerical expression is undefined

What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Algebraic Targets A.1.fFactor polynomial expressions A.3.aSolve linear inequalities in one variable with rational number coefficients A.3.bIdentify or graph the solution to a one variable linear inequality on a number line A.3.cSolve real-world problems involving inequalities A.3.d.Write linear inequalities in one variable to represent context A.7.bRepresent or identify a function in a table or graph as having exactly one output for each input

What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Mathematical Practices MP.1Building Solution Pathways & Lines of Reasoning MP.2Abstracting Problems MP.3Furthering Lines of Reasoning MP.4Mathematical Fluency MP.5Evaluating Reasoning & Solution Pathways

Question Types  Multiple choice (#1)  Fill-in-the-blank (#5)  Hot spot (#8)  Drag and drop (#9)  Drop-down (#11) The 2014 GED ® Test

Problems are KEY in math. Begin and end with PROBLEMS!! The 2014 GED ® Test

Applying the Standards for Practice

The 2014 GED ® Test Applying the Standards for Practice

The 2014 GED ® Test

What can we do NOW? The 2014 GED ® Test  Begin and end with problems!  Provide opportunities for students to work at all depths of knowledge (DOK)  Teach less, learn more!  Watch for new and updated information & materials!

Resources The 2014 GED ® Test assessment GED ® Testing Service items-and-performance-tasks/ Smarter Balance p/tools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month Inside Mathematics

Resources The 2014 GED ® Test Learnzillion Figure This Khan Academy

Resources The 2014 GED ® Test  Contemporary/McGraw-Hill Roadmap Contemporary/McGraw-Hill Roadmap  New Readers Press Website New Readers Press Website  KET Website KET Website  Steck-Vaughn Career Ready workbooks  CTB/McGraw-Hill Workplace Skills workbooks

GED ® Testing Service  Assessment Guide for Educators (Targets/Indicators, Rubrics, DOK charts for RLA)  Webinars  Item Samplers The 2014 GED ® Test

SmarterBalanced SmarterBalanced Sample Items  Sample assessment items  Illustrates rigor and complexity of next-generation assessments aligned to CCSS The 2014 GED ® Test

Inside Mathematics: The 2014 GED ® Test  Problems of the Month: ools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month ools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month  Website & Resources home home  Web-based application (free)  lessons built from CCSS  Video lesson  Powerpoint slides of lesson  Coach’s commentary  Guided practice The 2014 GED ® Test  Use Common Core Navigator  Watch short video lesson  Download lesson slides & resources to teach  OR give students a “quick code” to watch lesson The 2014 GED ® Test

Figure This: The 2014 GED ® Test   Math Index  Choose and explore a “Challenge”  How can this be used in your classroom?  Created by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics  Short video lessons  Interactive online practice  Ability to link students to teacher, creating classes  Ability to create reports for individual students or classes The 2014 GED ® Test