The 2014 GED ® Test on Computer Mathematical Reasoning
Math The 2014 GED ® Test
Content 45% Quantitative Problem- Solving 55% Algebraic Problem-Solving Academic & Workplace contexts The 2014 GED ® Test
Question Types 50% written to DOK level 2 30% will be aligned to a Practice standard as well as a content indicator TI-30XS on-screen calculator provided for MOST items The 2014 GED ® Test
What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Quantitative Targets Q.1.dIdentify absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line & determine the distance between two rational numbers on the number line, including using the absolute value of their difference Q.2.dDetermine when a numerical expression is undefined
What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Algebraic Targets A.1.fFactor polynomial expressions A.3.aSolve linear inequalities in one variable with rational number coefficients A.3.bIdentify or graph the solution to a one variable linear inequality on a number line A.3.cSolve real-world problems involving inequalities A.3.d.Write linear inequalities in one variable to represent context A.7.bRepresent or identify a function in a table or graph as having exactly one output for each input
What is new? The 2014 GED ® Test Mathematical Practices MP.1Building Solution Pathways & Lines of Reasoning MP.2Abstracting Problems MP.3Furthering Lines of Reasoning MP.4Mathematical Fluency MP.5Evaluating Reasoning & Solution Pathways
Question Types Multiple choice (#1) Fill-in-the-blank (#5) Hot spot (#8) Drag and drop (#9) Drop-down (#11) The 2014 GED ® Test
Problems are KEY in math. Begin and end with PROBLEMS!! The 2014 GED ® Test
Applying the Standards for Practice
The 2014 GED ® Test Applying the Standards for Practice
The 2014 GED ® Test
What can we do NOW? The 2014 GED ® Test Begin and end with problems! Provide opportunities for students to work at all depths of knowledge (DOK) Teach less, learn more! Watch for new and updated information & materials!
Resources The 2014 GED ® Test assessment GED ® Testing Service items-and-performance-tasks/ Smarter Balance p/tools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month Inside Mathematics
Resources The 2014 GED ® Test Learnzillion Figure This Khan Academy
Resources The 2014 GED ® Test Contemporary/McGraw-Hill Roadmap Contemporary/McGraw-Hill Roadmap New Readers Press Website New Readers Press Website KET Website KET Website Steck-Vaughn Career Ready workbooks CTB/McGraw-Hill Workplace Skills workbooks
GED ® Testing Service Assessment Guide for Educators (Targets/Indicators, Rubrics, DOK charts for RLA) Webinars Item Samplers The 2014 GED ® Test
SmarterBalanced SmarterBalanced Sample Items Sample assessment items Illustrates rigor and complexity of next-generation assessments aligned to CCSS The 2014 GED ® Test
Inside Mathematics: The 2014 GED ® Test Problems of the Month: ools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month ools-for-teachers/problems-of-the-month Website & Resources home home Web-based application (free) lessons built from CCSS Video lesson Powerpoint slides of lesson Coach’s commentary Guided practice The 2014 GED ® Test Use Common Core Navigator Watch short video lesson Download lesson slides & resources to teach OR give students a “quick code” to watch lesson The 2014 GED ® Test
Figure This: The 2014 GED ® Test Math Index Choose and explore a “Challenge” How can this be used in your classroom? Created by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Short video lessons Interactive online practice Ability to link students to teacher, creating classes Ability to create reports for individual students or classes The 2014 GED ® Test